
People have asked me for recommendations regarding where to buy the newer small form factor, so-called "mini" or barebones computers. At this time I cannot recommend any particular vendor but can point you to some useful links. Here I'm emphasizing the mini-iTX scene although the mini-ATX boards have as big a following.

Viarena -- People ask me where can I get a small motherboard, specifically the mini-ITX. Here is the Gospel site/store for all things VIA mini-iTX. Links to just about everyone worldwide who has anything to do with this form factor.

Mini-iTX -- Of course the list would be incomplete without listing the top enthusiast site for mini-iTX.

Directron -- Sells preconfigured mostly slow Intel boxes in groovy looking cases

Case Outlet -- Great site for cases, many with chipless prices

Checkercube -- it seems as if everyone sells the boxes from these folks.

Shuttle -- Here are the guys selling one of the most popular boxes complete with nVidia technology built-in.

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