1. Skeptic says:

    Gold makes backyard smelters profitable.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Redneck Anbulance* Service.

    Ooowee!! No wonder ya wanna take it home, Cletus.
    Tha’s one big kidney stone.

    *) Don’t blame me. It was spelt that way on the trunk.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    Tennessee Ernie Ford out-sources the carrying of his song “16 tons“.

  4. Cornwell Mc hew says:

    “Falling Rock” realized.

  5. Skeptic says:

    The incumbent, Rocky Terrain, is on the road today, seeking support for reelection. He has the highest IQ of all candidates.

  6. Cornwell Mc hew says:

    Yep this Petrified Dinosaur Turd is gonna make us Rich, I tell ya Darwood.

  7. scandihoovian says:

    Five more feet and we have the record Frank!

  8. Jim G says:

    Bob recently passed the world’s largest kidney stone…..

  9. gillard mc moosington says:

    Junk in my trunk

  10. Huck Fin says:

    Brings the Term “Rock Hound” To a new Level..

  11. WhamaLamma says:

    No caption needed, let the viewer decide what level of stupid we see here.

  12. Rayk242 says:

    Trunk Monkey, the later years

  13. JuJu Beans says:

    I don’t care what dad says… i’m taking my pet rock with me dammit!

  14. dingdon says:

    Proof that the rock is smarter than this human.

  15. steve says:

    BOB,can u hear me up there, REV IT UP WHEN U GET TO THE SPEED BUMP<THEN HIT THE BRAKES it should land right in the trunk.OKK

  16. revdjenk says:

    How Rocky now prepares for a fight

  17. Schleprock says:

    ROCK and ROLL

  18. msbpodcast says:

    WTF happened to the site? (And I had a funny about Cletus having passed the world’s kargest kidney stone.) WTF is this?

  19. Matt says:

    Rock and Roll

  20. Matt says:

    Sorry, I meant — Rolling Rock

  21. Fred Hodgin says:

    Like a rock!

  22. UncDon says:

    Uncle Dave doing something silly so we can caption his piccie.

  23. Bert says:

    And everyun sed Jim-Bob had rocks in his head.
    It just ain’t so.

  24. e? says:

    After Bob climbed into the boot, he realised the rock wouldn’t fit in with him, and, together with Larry, devised an ingenious solution to get it home.

  25. ben-in-the-woods says:

    is that a BC licence plate?

  26. jimz says:

    First youz rock THEN youz roll

  27. CanadaDrew says:

    The latest Prudential customer!

  28. Gammagoblin says:

    NASA budget hits an all time low as remains of the UARS satellite are towed home.


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