found by John Ligums

  1. dusanmal says:

    Typical Obama move. 9:1 no. NATO/EU are the ones who’d need to start it (without such cover Obama will not enter another war in election year). No oil to speak of in Syria – so no banana, only the oil in Libya stirred EU in that case. Second layer is friendly Jordan Government, giving them some symbolic “shield”.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Right in one.

      Syria barely has enough oil for their domestic use and they’re mostly a bunch of dirt poor, illiterate [expletive deleted].

      As far as the people there being used by the military for “live ammo” target practice, who cares? If we went in, they’d all die anyway sooner or later.

      My advice is move

      Now that the Navy is going off of fossil fuels and onto bio-diesel (for real, on their ships, planes and trucks,) I don’t think that the US is ever likely to take the lead in a shooting war in any desert ever again.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes! Someone may be poised to attack Syria. But I don’t necessarily think it’s us. Of course, the U.S. could be concentrating forces in east Iraq in order to enforce some more “no fly” zones and possibly guard the Iraqi border from Syria (go look at a map). And if there ever is any U.S. invasion of Syria you can be sure that it won’t happen until after the elections.

    Then again, with Dec 21, 2012 looming where the end of the world is supposed to happen (according to the Mayans, anyway), I’m sure there are plenty of kooks looking for this Armageddon battle to begin. And isn’t that supposed to be somewhere near the Syrian/Jordan/Israeli borders somewhere?!

    Or could this be another ruse to get the U.S. involved in another French started conflict? Just looking at history since WWII, France has somehow or other got the U.S. involved in nearly every shooting conflict that the U.S. has been involved in. France was nearly totally responsible for the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. France even played a big part in coaxing the U.S. into the Middle East too. Some would argue that Iraq caused the U.S. involvement by invading Kuwait, but who do you think encouraged Iraq?!

    But since France seems to be a good little liberal nation, no one seems to get all too upset with them. However, I say screw France! And not just because they made the U.S. fly around them when we bombed Libia (way back in ’86) either. ( France’s liberal policies and arrogant approach in nearly everything they do has really messed things up . And now, it’s about to get even worse. I’m not quite sure how just yet, but I am nearly certain that France is involved.

    Freedom may never be free. But oppression never works either. When will we ever learn?

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Turkey is already supporting protesters in Syria, as is Qatar. Turkey went Islamic after the EU wouldn’t let them in, and now they are fighting with Iran for being the #1 Islamic country. If Syria falls, then Iran loses its pipeline to its puppet groups Hezbollah and Hamas.

  4. McCullough says:

    That was more painful than spending 2 hours with HP Tech Support.

    • Animby says:

      I’m in my third day of an email exchange with Mostafa, Muhammad and Medhat with Skype. At least I don’t have to wait “on hold” while they search the script for the meaning of “blocked call.”

  5. Cursor_ says:

    No confirmation from BBC or Reuters.

    So until they say something in the 48 hours I would say this is not credible.


  6. Dallas says:

    I hope so! Obama is on a roll!!

    Pirates shot in head ; Osama shot in face ; Gaddafi had stick shoved in a bad place ; Osama #2 guy droned …..
    Total cost: $1M each. This compares favorably to Bush’s wasted trillion.

    This will send a message to Iran.

  7. deowll says:

    How can anyone suggest our President is some sort of homicidal nut case after he got the Piece Prize and everything! Why under his enlightened leadership we are becoming less popular in the middle east than the Russians, the Chinese or even the Iranians! How can anyone argue with a record of accomplishment like that!

    • Dallas says:

      Was the US ever more popular than the Russians and Chinese in the middle east?

      You’re confusing this forum with your facebook friends. This blog has book learn’n folk so move along…

    • fpp2002 says:

      As someone who doesn’t live in the US, I can assure you your country has been hated a lot longer than Obama’s been in charge. I think Bush II did more to make that happen than any president in the last 50 years.

      • Muddauber says:

        Most Americans realize that, but many of my Republicans associates remain in denial about this.

  8. Animby says:

    Should we attack Syria?
    Sure. Why not. They can’t hurt us.

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    If they’re that scared, then they’ll hand the drone back that Obama asked for.

  10. orion3014 says:

    I’ll be damn if these governments don’t act as if they need a child psychologist…

    • Michael says:

      ah yes, the essence of politics and religion for the last 5000 years inna nutshell

  11. Thegreygeek says:

    No, we will not attack Syria, in fact the Russians, who have their fleet anchored off the coast right now, have signaled us (US) that they will intervene if we attempt to start another Libya type event in Syria. The events in Syria are NOT about democracy, it is about IRAN attempting to gain total influence in Syria. If Assad is overthrown, the Iranian backed fundamentals will take charge, and they are the ones who will attempt to start WWIII. After all, there time is short they must get their stupid 4th imam released from that stupid cave in Qom! No, I do not believe in this crap, but the Mullahs in Iran do! As always, we all need to be careful what we wish for in todays world. It is not always what we think. And these people do not think like people in the Western democratic world. Yes the Jordanians are involved to the extent that they do not want Iranian Red Guard agents starting more trouble in their country!

  12. Kent says:

    Three cheers for the Mullahs!

  13. sargasso_c says:

    No mention of this anywhere.


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