Locals in a small Canadian town have been stumped by the appearance of a bizarre creature, which was dragged from a lake. The animal, which has a long hairy body with bald skin on its head, feet and face, has prompted wild internet speculation that it is a more evolved version of the famous ‘Montauk monster’. The creature was discovered by two nurses in the town of Kitchenuhmaykoosib in Ontario, Canada, while out on a walk with their dog. When the dog began sniffing in the lake, the two women started investigating, before the dog pulled the dead animal out.

After taking some photographs of the odd animal, the nurses left it alone. When locals decided to go back and retrieve the body, it has disappeared. The photographs have now been posted on a local website, with an explanation which reads: ‘This creature was first discovered by Sam the Dog, a local dog.

‘It was discovered first week of May in the creek section of town, hikers noticed Sam sniffing something in the water and they approached to see in what the Sam had detected and they noticed the creature in the water face down. ‘The dog jumped in the lake and pulled the creature to the rocks and dragged it out for the hikers to see and these are the photos they took.

‘The creature’s tail is like a rat’s tail and it is a foot long.’ There has been much speculation about what kind of species the animal is. The body of the creature appears to look something like an otter, while its face – complete with long fang-like teeth, bears a striking resemblance to a boar-like animal. Even the local police chief Donny Morris is baffled, saying: ‘What it is, I don’t know. I’m just as curious as everyone else.’

The pictures of the animal have caused mass speculation online, from bloggers who are all stumped as to what the creature could be.

Anyone like to speculate?

  1. Gilgamesh says:

    No BS meter graphic?

  2. Angus says:

    um…it’s called a groundhog, or woodchuck. For some reason, it didn’t have hair on its face or tail.

  3. Ghazban says:

    I for one welcome our new manbearpig overlords

  4. Mike says:

    Looks like a dead waterlogged and bloated otter that somehow lost its hair on it’s face and feet…decaying in the water maybe…

    The article seems to say it’s teeth make it not an otter, but otters have teeth/fangs just like that.

    Or it could just be a fake.

  5. boolez says:

    A similar looking thing was found a while back in CT but was later revealed to be a discarded movie prop. This was probably another gag.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The hair is growing the wrong way. It would never grow forward. Face is wrong for an otter.

    IMO: Fake.

  7. MikeN says:

    Al Gore warned us about this.

  8. denver says:

    Al Gore was right, the MBP does live. Call him up, he’ll save us.

  9. CZen says:

    From the picture and description I would guess Wolverine or Fisher or possibly some other large relative of the weasle family.

  10. denacron says:

    # 9

    “possibly some other large relative of the weasel family.”

    Ah ha! Now if we can just determine if its a Republican or Democrat!

  11. plarsen says:

    So this is where my ex mother in law ended up…

  12. BrimstoneAshe says:

    #6 There are various breeds of otters and they have some obvious differences with their head. This is clearly an otter that’s been dead for awhile.

  13. Dallas says:

    It looks more like the female and not the male. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

  14. sargasso says:

    It’s an Orc.

  15. farbauti says:

    The creature is only 30cm long, so its probably a Mink or a Fisher.
    Hair loss is likely because the head and feet were subjected to water longer than the rest of the body.Might have been frozen in a block of ice.
    The white waxy skin is typical to water damage.

  16. LDA says:

    I told you I was super super serious!

  17. honeyman says:

    That thing looks like what a koala on heat sounds like. If you’ve ever heard a koala you’ll know what I mean.

  18. Norman Speight says:

    A Republican

  19. amodedoma says:

    looks like a dead wombat. The hair on it’s muzzle might’ve fallen out after death. I hope…


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