When Bob Bernstein arrived at his coffeehouse to assess the scene of an early Christmas morning break-in, the one thing he noticed missing was the cinnamon bun that bears a striking likeness to Mother Teresa.

Bernstein said he believes the culprit is someone angry over the shop displaying the world-famous pastry, which has been preserved with shellac. A jar of money next to the Nun Bun was not stolen.

“They went right for the bun…

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  1. frank kramer says:

    Ovo je Internet-prezentacija agencije GISTRO Advertising iz Beograda.

    Prezentacija je u stalnoj pripremi – za nju nemamo vremena, jer sve vreme provodimo u radu za sadašnje i buduće klijente i u saradnji i komunikaciji sa sadašnjim i budućim poslovnim saradnicima.

    Naša formula uspeha: što manje imamo vremena, to su naši klijenti uspešniji, pa im više trebaju naše usluge, pa moramo da zaposlimo još ljudi, da imamo još vremena za naše klijente… i krug je zatvoren. Nemanje vremena je naša poslovna filozofija.

    Da ne gubimo vreme. Pregledajte ponuđene foldere.

    GISTRO Advertising
    Mi vremena NEMAMO!

  2. frank kramer says:

    I’m sorry for this, but for this stupid news post; I had to post something stupid.

  3. Dale Huber says:

    Hey this isn’t like a potato that happens to look like something. Then some nut decides they think it looks like Christ or Mother Teressa. This is something that somebody baked. Do you think they could make another one. Oh but that wouldn’t be a miracle.

  4. Pat says:

    Ya, so?


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