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  1. bobbo says:

    Avoiding the constitution could be done by someone less beligerant than Cheney. Simple to set up a militry tribunal for non-citizens and criminal trial for citizens.

    Refusal to do so just means Cheney thinks he can get away with it for his term of office unitl it gets stopped and the mess can be blamed on the next administration.

    Clever in a way, but not clever enough.

  2. Ken In Berkeley says:

    Ain’t it the truth. Beautiful.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, I think the next administration will be very reluctant to set a precedent to criminally go after Bush & Cheney. They deserve it though.

  4. natefrog says:

    This makes me want to weep…

  5. Rob says:

    That would be Cheney coming through the door at the end, not Bush. Bush would not be able to correctly pronounce all those big words.

  6. fred says:

    Contrary to popular opinion, Cheney does believe in checks and balances – Halliburton’s balances increase and Cheney receives the checks.

  7. Leonidas says:

    Really good, keep it up!


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