Not the High School Yearbook Photo

I’m am dying of laughter at the notion that Hillary, because she won Florida, has a shot at winning against any Republican candidate short of the nomination of Himmler. I am not a gambler, thus I take bets from various naive locals who do not have a sense of the nation. Marc, are you willing to bet on that laughable assertion you made in the renegade post below?

  1. EmailC says:

    This single image kills the McCain campaign dead:

  2. I’d agree if there was a kiss involved.

  3. EmailC says:

    McCain will be 72 years old in August. He’s had medical problems. Rush Limbaugh hates him.

    From tonight’s MSNBC broadcast:

    BUCHANAN: Here’s a guy, basically, what does he say? The jobs are never coming back, the illegals are never going home, but we’re gonna have a lot more wars.

    SCARBOROUGH: We’re gonna start a lot of wars! He has promised, for the record Keith, John McCain’s platform — and it certainly looks inviting for the fall — he has promised less jobs and more wars. Now that’s something we can all rally behind.

  4. Bhelverson says:

    Perkel is right on (at least) one point: If the Democrats are dumb enough to nominate Barack Obama, the Republicans will win.

  5. Selvy says:

    Hillary is not the best choice on the left side of the aisle. The more Bubba pokes his face in front of the cameras and rips her competition the more undecided voters are reminded of the bad side of things that did happen during the Clinton years. At least with Barak there’s a clean slate.

  6. amodedoma says:

    It just doesn’t matter, it just doesn’t matter, in the end it’s Coke or Pepsi, McDonald’s or Burger King. Anybody that thinks that there’s any real power in politics just isn’t paying attention. What’s more it’s only mildly entertaining…

  7. JPV says:

    I agree with amodedoma.

    It’s all just theater.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    It’s a shame “No Agenda” has no agenda. This would be a good topic.

    One thing is certain – the Dem. convention should be moments of great theater sprinkled sparingly throughout the usual mind-numbing rhetoric.

  9. Cinaedh says:

    I don’t know. In the otherwise void of the mindless masses, there may be a faint memory of economic comfort and the whisper of a name: Clinton…………..

  10. Awake says:

    Watch the overall numbers.

    In Florida, more people voted for Hillary (857,000) than for McCain (693,000), and the Democratic vote didn’t even officially count, so many Democrats didn’t even bother voting.

    At this point, I would start to ignore who gets chosen as the candidate for each party, and just watch the total numbers for each party.

    Also, watch people that are trying to make a buck of of the elections. The numbers there stay very constant for the winning party. Check out the trend for the candidates too… very interesting:


  11. Phillep says:

    I’d vote for an actual conservative candidate, but all we have running are wannabe dictators. There’s no honest liberal candidates running, either.

    I’m seriously considering voting for that bitch Hillary, just to spite the Democratic Party. We are going to have an actual fascist president, might as well damage the Democrats while I’m at it. (And I don’t use “fascism” lightly.)

  12. j says:

    Let me just say this

    Florida is worth 27 electoral votes. She beat McCain buy more than 150,000 votes and she beat Obama buy almost 300,000 votes. When the democrattic party thinks about it they will realize 27 electoral votes are too many to lose.

    In the big scheme of things she has 232 promised deligates and Obama has 158.

    Don’t get me wrong I voted Obama into every political position he has ever held and I will probably vote for him on this one too. I just don’t think he is going to be the candidate.

  13. Jetfire says:

    “so many Democrats didn’t even bother voting.”
    They are having(had) record turn out because their piss that their votes don’t count. Why do you think Hillary went down there.

  14. Dallas says:

    #10 .. agree with you totally. This is an important indicator. Florida is a great example.

    For some reason, I believe Obama now has a better chance of winning than Hillary. It remains to be seen how the GOP slime machine goes after Obama but time will tell.

    As Jon Stewart indicated, the GOP slime machine will draw Obama as a “an angry black teenager who’s middle name is Hussein”. Do you want that to run the country?

  15. Improbus says:

    If it comes down to Clinton vs McCain I am staying home and getting drunk on election day.


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