Al Gore Opens His CTIA Keynote to the Press After All | Technologizer — Exactly why Al Gore banned the press from his upcoming CTIA keynote is somewhat mystifying, but he finally relented. Here is some commentary.

Last week,’s Sascha Segan pointed out something unusual about former Vice President Al Gore’s keynote speech at next week’s CTIA Wireless phone trade show in Las Vegas: It wasn’t going to be open to the press, apparently at the request of Gore or his staff. It was a truly jarring bit of news. I’ve been attending tech trade shows for a couple of decades, and can’t remember a single other keynote that the media wasn’t invited to attend.

But it’s not just as a courtesy that we press people are normally let into such speeches–media coverage is one of the primary reasons why they exist. It’s impossible, for instance, to imagine a scenario in which Steve Jobs keynotes at Macworld Expo or Bill Gates ones at CES were anything but publicity extravaganzas designed to attract as much media attention as possible.

Also, as Segan pointed out, the auditorium where Segan pointed out would have been bulging with folks who could have blogged the event with photos from their phones if they chose. In the era of citizen journalism, the only way to truly keep journalists away from a speech would be to bar citizens from attending. You’d Gore–the co-founder of citizen-journalism TV channel Current, not to mention a former newspaper reporter–would understand that.

What was he going to do that he did not want the press corps there?

  1. sargasso says:

    Who needs “shoe chuckers”, when a blogger can do it.

  2. Dallas says:

    Hmm. A blog about something that never happened.

    I suppose when Al Gore, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, 45th USA VP, board member of Apple and Google adviser doesn’t do something, then it could also be newsworthy.

    I like Eideard’s posts better. He keeps troop hating Republicans under scrutiny.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    “What was he going to do that he did not want the press corps there?”

    Hey, leave him alone. He invented the “press corps”…

  4. father time says:

    Al Gore invented The Universe.

    Can’t we give him the Asshat-of-the-year award for the next 10 years?

  5. The Warden says:

    It’s because that’s what leftists hypocrite dems do. Al Gore is a whore scare monger and will go down as one of the biggest snake oil hucksters in American history.

  6. The Warden says:


    I like the gif one of him where a turd keeps falling out of his mouth.

  7. algore says:

    John, dont you know that saying anything bad about Al Gore to a liberal is like bad mouthing Ahla to a muslim… Better watch your neck next time you are in SF or NY.

  8. fuall says:

    Worse (for him).
    He’ll be just forgotten.

  9. BillM says:

    I get sick of hearing “but he won the Nobel Peace prize!” So did Yesser Arafat….they are both A-holes.

  10. faxon says:

    Al Gore is such an ass. Everything he does makes sense, once you realize that.

  11. soundwash says:

    -probably going to either link cell phones to global warming, or just hijack the the keynote to push for support his carbon schemes globally.

    *shrug* -he’s a politician, anything he says is null & void anyways.


  12. Ah_Yea says:

    “What was he going to do that he did not want the press corps there?”

    He’s going to TALK!!!

    We don’t want no fact checking, do we?

  13. daav0 says:

    I met Gore, once, in 2002. We were both speaking at GiTech, in Dubai. I had with me a copy of Scientific American (from 1991) with an article by Gore, called “The Coming Information Superhighway” Not only does the article contain predictions of the vast commercial impact of the web, it gives full credit to many individuals involved in the invention. Gore was sharp, informed, and quite funny.

    And in 2000, he was elected president of the United States by a majority of nearly a million voters, an election overthrown by criminal treachery and outright treason in Florida, and by the complicity of the USSC. For a real education, read the minority rebuttal from that unprecedented 5-4 decision.

    You guys can’t stand Al Gore because you wronged him, and the USA, by stealing the 2000 election. You resent the man you harmed…classic, that.

    Someday, you may recover from your denial. But what you wrought by bringing us the Bush crime family is this financial wrack and ruin, loss of almost all respect the world ever had for us, and the death of a million Iraqis. Blood drenched stolen money in the hands of Bush, Cheney and their lackeys.

    Have you no shame?

    Deal with it.

  14. MikeN says:

    Has Gore stopped his offshore oil drilling, or drilling on Indian reservations, or the zinc mining on his family land?


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