1. St. GutFree says:


  2. Dallas says:

    He’s my favorite Congressman.

    He’s good enough, he’s smart enough and doggone it, people like him.

  3. Rufus says:

    Anybody who kicks KBR in the ass and draws blood is cool with me.

  4. eaglescout1998 says:

    Keep in mind that Stuart Smalley represents the same state that elected Jesse Ventura as its governor.

  5. DrWally says:

    Good Senator. Better than those worthless t*rds like Kyl, Coburn and McConnell. At least he is trying to do something rather than just sit like frogs on a log burping “No!”.

  6. hhopper says:

    This should have been a “Caption this Photo.”

  7. Buzz says:

    Oh! A BRAND NEW picture! How clever of you to push it out the door as being from Democratic SENATOR Al Franken.

    Or is this another sophomoric Republican plot to embarass?

    Neener, neener, neener.

    With a “pants on fire” sense of fairness, can we show the pictures here that Uncle Dave’s family would NEVER want public?

    How about some juicy nudes of Scott Brown?

    I’m guessing that this Franken image precedes senatorial status by… a score of years? He was a featured player on SNL from 1977 to 1995. Longer than anyone else it seems.

  8. Buzz says:

    Never mind. It’s a fake, not an SNL skit.


  9. Steve says:

    Make it go away. Please !

  10. brm says:

    Even if it were real, who cares? What, comedians aren’t allowed to be politicians?

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I think it was Franken who introduced legislation last fall, where a bunch of Republican senators voted in favor of sexual abuse rather than go along with a no-brainer bill.

  12. Awake says:

    Uncle Dave… putting a photo of the face Senator Franken on a picture of yourself is just hilarious!

    Of course, you could have actually used a photo of a Senator that LIKES to wear diapers while having sex with prostitutes…. wait for it… conservative republican David Vitter. As in church rector, defense of marriage act David Vitter.

    But instead, you try to be funny and put a photo of Franken on a picture of you taken today.

    Actually, it is rather funny.

  13. sargasso says:

    It is a fake photo. But a funny fake. So that makes it OK.

  14. bobbo, riding the ass of out of touch elites says:

    Gee, I assumed this was a photo from some sketch from Al’s earlier days===all to the point that his life has changed but Al has a lot of real life experiences to draw upon?

    but if its “totally fake” why then it indicates NOTHING but the interest of the creator, which is not provided so it really is totally meaningless.

    Good Job.

  15. jstewart says:

    Huh. Didn’t expect you to put up a fake photo. It might confuse some into believing that your “No Agenda” is a fox affiliate.

    I had just signed up for the newsletter… now I am reconsidering.

    I do think an apology is order. Particularly since Franken is one of only about 5 people in congress that are actually human and have the ability to reason.

    Disappointed. Please tell me this was an error.

  16. EvilPoliticians says:

    Oh god no! My eyes! They burn!

  17. Buzz says:

    Welcome #15. This blog is sometimes funny and/or interesting, but roughly 66% agenda-driven, stupid and/or Republican supportive.

    You have to take it with a giant grain of NaCl. If readers here didn’t protest the way you have–and sometimes there are droughts of protest–it would grow in intensity to its detriment.

    Remember, the Big John has always maintained that provocation drives viewership. And in his mind, this whole thing is about viewers.

    Not Truth.

    Not Right.

    Not Fairness.

    Not Reality.

    Not Good.

    Not Kind.

    Not Value of any other kind.

  18. Jason says:

    It is just for a couple laughs. People don’t need to take it too seriously. Pretty sure same type of “comedy” can be found in the Daily Kos, just with a liberal spin to it.

    #17, stop being a troll.

    BTW, love your podcasts. Keep up the good work!

  19. The0ne says:

    Always like this guy, funny in SNL and funny even now…in a smart way 🙂

  20. Right now, the only politician who could ever bring me back to a polling booth would be Al Franken.


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