If we want to reduce pollution and global warming – what is the biggest single point of change that will actually make a difference? Who is in the best position to affect the environment? That person is the Pope.

If the Pope were to reverse his position on birth control and abortion then some billion Catholics would slow down their reproduction rate and set an example for global population control. And population control is the single most critical issue when it comes to the environment. You can cut emissions in half but when the population doubles you’re right back where you started.

Population growth is exponential. As long as it is any positive value there will be a doubling rate. As long as there is a doubling rate then the population will double every cycle. And with the size of the Earth fixed there’s no place to go. At some point society collapses and you have a mass starvation event coupled with war and disease.

So when you think about it – who is in the best position right now who can make the biggest difference with the least effort – it’s the Pope. All he has to do is say the words and a huge chunk of the population slows down their reproduction.

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