
Why wait, lets get this over with!

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Donald Trump
  • I’m waiting to see Who the Libertarians Run
  • I’m sitting this one out


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  1. ± says:

    If those are your four choices, there needs to be a none-of-the-above added at the end.

    I always vote (never D/R) but if it’s not a Libertarian I vote for this time, you have disenfranchised me and those like me. 🙁

  2. DK says:


  3. noname says:

    Nice photoshop job. Reality is just not good enough anymore!

    The same side of the pine tree in the background leans to the “Japanese bowing” cat’s hind end!

    Also, directly under the “i” in “politicians” is a very noticeable demarcation line or cut between tree greenness and focus. The cat position is obviously “exactly” rotated 180!

    But yes, the sentiment expressed about our politicians and politics is all too real and true!

  4. ECA says:

    REALLY?? of over 1000 people running, you pick these 2??

    Here is what happens..
    30% of the USA votes for a person..
    Of those voting, 1/2 are registered for democrate, and the other 1/2 is republican.. Which means, 15% of the people voted a person into office..
    Funny part, is the is also the SAME in STATE elections..


    I was talking to a person about politics, and the person he liked most.. Then I asked who he was voting for, and it was 1 of the MAIN people, not the one he was discussing.
    He said, because the one, would not probably win..

    KNOW WHY he wont win? because YOU DIDNT VOTE FOR HIM..

    Like HAVING a plate of 2 types of potatoes, and you like Neither…and not willing to ask for french fries..
    Why vote for what you THINK is the better of 2 evils, when there is ANOTHER CHOICE…

    • ECA says:

      PS…1 man isnt ALL of the government..there are 300 other idiots up there..
      AS WELL as 100 for every one of them, that FEED them knowledge and BS,…

      • McCullough says:

        1000 people…really? What on earth are they running from?

        • noname says:

          500 are running right to left and the other 500 are running left to right.

          Everyone is looking for a scoring home run.

          Even if the “Japanese bowing” cat wins who wins … not we the butt facing people!

  5. Hmeyers says:

    Mayor McCheese is the only candidate with the qualities we need.

  6. Pee-Yew Poll says:

    “I’m sitting this one out” == “I don’t care who wins but reserve the right to whine about it later.”

    Really? Why not vote for the least odoriferous skunk?

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    What type of poll is this? Marc Perkel assured us last year that only an idiot thinks Trump would still be running after New Year’s!

  8. righteous indignation says:

    What if Donnie Trump were to run with Hillary Clinton as VP ?


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