Associated Press – June 27, 2007:

Unease with American foreign policy and President Bush has intensified in countries that are some of the closest U.S. allies and around the globe, while Russia and China also face growing international wariness, a survey released Wednesday said.

In one measure of Bush’s unpopularity, the poll showed he is less trusted on foreign policy than Russian President Vladimir Putin by allies Britain, Germany and Canada, even as faith in Putin has plummeted. About half in the U.S. say they have little or no trust in either leader’s conduct of foreign affairs.

As the U.S. has waged its war on terrorism over the past five years, its overall image has worsened. It has dropped from 75 percent favorable in Britain in 2002 to 51 percent now; from 60 percent to 30 percent in Germany; and from 64 percent to 56 percent in Mexico.

  1. Stars & Bars says:

    RE: Fishy Lauren,

    I know why your a booster of the Rockerfellers, they bankrolled the women’s liberation movement. Did you ever stop to consider their motives? Nick Rockerfeller stated that, “The Rockefeller’s funded women’s lib, the Rockefeller Foundation’s got all of the newspapers and television.”

    Rockefeller stated the two primary reasons why the elite bankrolled women’s lib, one because before women’s lib the bankers couldn’t tax half the population and two because it allowed them to get children in school at an earlier age, enabling them to be indoctrinated into accepting the state as the primary family, breaking up the traditional family model.

    Via prompting from the Rockefeller’s the CIA bankrolled Gloria Steinem via Ms. Magazine as part of the same movement to break up the traditional family.

    Rockefeller believed that “the people have to be ruled” by an elite and that one of the tools of such power was population reduction, that there were “too many people in the world,” and world population numbers should be reduced by at least half. The Rockefeller’s also fund groups such as

    #24 Pat
    You must be a proud member of the morani.
    Never heard of that group, are you the charter member?

    That just proves how stupid you are. The Liberal (or Hippy if you will) movement of the 1960s was about coming together. The neo-con movement is about division.

    Oh really, lets see… Who was it that got the United States involved in Vietnam, a 60’s war? And to further emphasize my point, who was president when the United States entered, WWI, WWII, and Korea. Yes, all democratic administrations. And now, the neocons are the ones getting the United States involved in war. Very interesting, very interesting indeed.

    Perhaps you need to look up the history of Irving Kristol & Norman Podhoretz. These two coined the phrase Neoconservative.

    The Republican party was hijacked.

  2. Rob R says:

    Stars & Bars, The fact that the wars you selected (rather biasedly) occurred while Democrats were in office is a side issue to the change in US approach to war represented by the neocons.
    1. US involvement in WW1 was sparked by the sinking of the Lusitania (it started the ball rolling)
    2. US Involvement in WW2 was in response to Pearl Harbor and then Germany’s war declaration
    3. Korea was started by North Korea’s invasion of the South.
    All the above were caused by specific military action against US interests.
    To make my point both the Gulf War & Afghanistan, entered into by Republicans Bush Senior & Junior, respectively, and the Civil War (Abe was a Republican) are part of the above group. Party doesn’t matter when we our our interests get attacked.

    Iraq was solely driven by the neo-con and now discredited views of unilateralist, pre-emptive action and “gun-boat” democracy. And of course the fact that these guys couldn’t bring victory and left us in a muck is the greatest sin.

    Why would anyone want to defend these slobs, is beyond me.

  3. noname says:

    If elected I promise too

    1.) Re-direct the Trillion dollars we are spending in the IRAQ to Alternative Energy
    2.) Require competitive bidding for superscription coverage
    3.) One Heck of a GI Bill
    4.) Support FAIR business competition. In order for any business (foreign or domestic) to retain access to USA markets, if they directly or indirectly use over seas labor, require they adhere to USA labor and environmental laws.
    5.) FIX FEMA
    6.) Rename the defense Department to the WAR DEPARTMENT
    7.) Require a DRAFT for any oversea military campaign
    8.) Require a 16 ft concrete border fence between Mexico and US (like the sound barriers along highways)
    9.) FIX the FDA drug approval process so harmful drugs like Vioxx ain’t allowed to go to market
    10.) FIX NASA
    11.) Make JUNK MAIL legal only if you opt in

  4. mark says:

    31. bobbo- actually, he believes it should be left up to the states, as I do. And he is a libertarian running as a Republican. But unlike any Republican/ libertarian/politician I have seen, and a breath of fresh air.

  5. bobbo says:

    36—that is consistent with what I have read–ie, that he is against abortion, but that was all he said in the exchange I read. Yes, he is like Ann Coulter in that respect. Have to actually listen to what they say and not go knee-jerk first chance one gets.

  6. mark says:

    37. Like Ann Coulter? Maybe in gender only. Whew thats a stretch. I am not 100% sold on the guy, but against the other candidates Dem or Repub, the only one that seems to be facing the real truth about our countrys present situation and why we are where we are. Instead of the same old fear mongering we get from the pack. We need a REAL change.

  7. bobbo says:

    38——-#8 & #12 above bear repeating.

  8. mark says:

    39. I will vote for the best man for the job and I dont care about party affiliation, and if that means green, indie, whatever. I vote on issues, fools vote for party.

  9. bobbo says:

    40–Post 8 and 12 do not advocate voting for party but like you advocate looking at the candidate. Both say Ron Paul is not a good candidate for the reasons stated, party affiliation not being one of them.

  10. Hugh Bastard says:

    I remember a poll in the mainstream Age newspaper (Melbourne, Oz) asking people to choose which who was the greatest threat to world peace. The choices included North Korea, al qaeda, USA, Germany, Britain, Israel and several others. 34%, by far the most popular choice by the 10,000 or so voters, chose the USA.

    This is the effect that Bush has had on world perception of the USA. I shudder to think the man who has the launch codes cant pronounce ‘nuclear’.

  11. ChrisMac says:

    If Bush Jr. has done anything, He has reinstilled the fact that “anybody” can be President.

    #42- Pressing the button takes more hand eye coordination than i think he has, so, I’m not worried bout dat

  12. qsabe says:

    Wow, what an amazing read. You posters are for the most part, a bunch of really screwed up heads, I won’t say minds as I saw little evidence any had one.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Stars and Bars.

    You have adequately demonstrated you hate the US of A. You are a traitor. You support those who would tear our country apart. I think that surely dispels any fucking right you might have had to make an argument.

    Not to mention you’re pretty effen stupid. You don’t even have a clue to America’s entry into either World War or the Korean war. Check out Wikipedia, I don’t have the time to waste educating effen traitors.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, qsabe,




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