An airliner stuffed with dozens of sacks of Colombian cocaine has crashed in the jungle of southern Mexico.

Local police officer Eustaquio Arredondo told reporters no casualties had been found but one person who was apparently on board the aircraft had been arrested.

TV images showed 132 military-style black bags containing around 3.3 metric tons of cocaine lined up in rows next to chunks of the wrecked plane, which came down near the municipality of Tixkokob, a three-hour drive west of the Cancun beach resort.

Of course, when the plane left Columbia, it probably was carrying 250 military-style black bags of cocaine. Or more.

  1. god says:

    At least the officer in charge was smart enough not to steal it all. That would have been too obvious. Share the wealth.

  2. mxsoldier says:

    The plane registration was N987SA (registered in the USA), so maybe it is part of a Pentagon plan for getting funds now that “America Crumbles As Funds Are Diverted To War”.

  3. HRivera says:

    The plane was registered in the USA and the pilots were Americans, according to our news, so who on the U.S. will be receiving this shipment, I believe that is the real question here!, not the fact that Mexican authorities made the arrest.

  4. spinedoc says:

    Its ColOmbia, not ColUmbia, hell it’s even spelled correctly in the article you are reporting on. Take some geography lessons or at least read the article you are reporting on.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Cocaine-laden… any relation to Bin-laden?

  6. Steve Savage says:

    The Bush Regime constantly blames Venezuela for trafficking cocaine, but we all know that the cocaine right under his nose (so to speak) in our “ally” Colombia.

    Anyway I say….America needs its drugs! There wouldn’t be a supply if it wasn’t for the demand.

  7. bobbo says:

    I’m curious as to “why” the plane crashed? Small biz jets aren’t supposed to do that. Makes me wonder if the drug dealers test their pilots for any drug abuse before flights?

    Business is business afterall.

  8. Improbus says:

    I’m curious as to “why” the plane crashed? Small biz jets aren’t supposed to do that. Makes me wonder if the drug dealers test their pilots for any drug abuse before flights?

    Maybe their mechanics got into the nose candy.

  9. ECA says:

    3 TONS in a small jet?? thats like 300 people in 1 Jet…TRYING to fly under radar, and over mountains…AND make sure no one can register his craft…

    Other wise…
    only 1 comment..

  10. tikiloungelizard says:

    Not sure why this is news. I don’t think this is all that uncommon.

  11. bobbo says:

    9–Excellent guess. I googled that size Lear Jet==7000 lbs carry weight. So, yea==it was heavy. Still——–

  12. tallwookie says:

    Damn. Now I know why its been hard to find decent blow recently. someone got greedy

  13. gmknobl says:

    I don’t get it. With that much coke, shouldn’t the plane just have kept going higher and higher?



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