President George W. Bush has pulled the leaders of Mexico and Canada into an unusually direct involvement in his national political campaign to expand free trade, as his two North American allies joined him…in a foray into both Congressional politics and the presidential campaign.

President Felipe Calderón of Mexico and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada lent their weight to what has been something of a lonely campaign by the president in recent weeks, as he has traveled the country with repeated pro-trade speeches and angry statements about the “petty politics” that he sees threatening one of the major legacies of his administration.

Calderón and Harper joined Bush in sharply criticizing a decision by the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to scuttle a vote on a free trade agreement with Colombia. Indirectly but unmistakably, they also rebuffed calls by the two Democratic candidates to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA…

And both also echoed Bush’s warnings that rejecting a free trade agreement with Colombia would undercut not only economies in the Northern Hemisphere, but also security.

“The terrorists have won, the terrorists have won.”

  1. ECA says:

    This from the person responsible for a 25% Tariff On ALL LUMBEr from Canada, Against the NAFTA agreement.

  2. Brett says:

    North American Union here we come…

    The New World Order and the Military industrial complex have been really busy kicking our asses in the past 8 years.

    But yeah it’s just all conspiracy theory tin-foil hat stuff. No need to worry. Go back to sleep and TV.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    “The terrorists have won, the terrorists have won.”

    Absolutely… Americans are more afraid of foreigners than ever before.

  4. rectagon says:

    Americans are so dang protectionist that it’s absurd. Repeatedly they bully for better deals with both Mexico and Canada. If there ever was an actual “fair trade” agreement you’d see just how one sided things are in favour of the Americans (note the spelling)…even with NAFTA. Suck it up sunshines. As #1 noted… it’ll never be fair until the US is on it’s knees… which should be in about 3 years.

  5. fahrquar says:

    When the hell has Mexico given a rat’s ass about our security?
    And you know the great thing about Bush is……
    Give me a minute………


    Hang on………

    It’s coming to me……….

  6. Improbus says:

    I can’t wait until my money aint worth spit so I can get my hands on some of those Ameros.

  7. edwinrogers says:

    Has Eideard changed his medication, lately?

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. Why, is there a problem?

  9. Spring Break Whore says:

    I hope they start Amtrak service to Cancun.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    When NAFTA and the EU came into being, I remember how the neo-cons so badmouthed the EU.

    But, its seems like, generally, membership in the EU brings wages UP in the less advantaged countries.

    But in NAFTA, it sends wages DOWN in the advantaged countries. (mainly, the US)

    I’m sure the neo-cons still think this is a fantastic development since their labor costs are less, but you don’t hear them say it as much.

  11. Chris Mac says:

    the road to utopia has always been paved by dead animals

    As much as i want this to be a conspiracy.. I can make an equal argument for it being phase one of a much needed highway infrastructure upgrade.

    /me steps on and crushes another pair of rose colored glasses

  12. RBG says:

    0. “…angry statements about the “petty politics” that he (Bush)sees threatening one of the major legacies of his administration.”

    NAFTA came into effect in Jan 92 when Clinton was Prez.

    And why wouldn’t Mexico & Canada defend an agreement that both countries expended a lot of time & energy to create & sign?


  13. jbenson2 says:

    The Amnesty and Open-Border loons have won.
    Buenas noches, compañeros.

  14. amodedoma says:

    When are they going to learn to not do business with unstable countries. I got nothing against Colombia, and sympathize with their war on durglords and terrorists (same thing there). But I sure as hell wouldn’t go there on vacation. Kidnapping is like a national pastime. From past experience this almost always ends up badly for us and worse for the country involved. The wealth and prosperity generated almost always ends up in the wrong hands. Free trade should be reserved for countries that are stable and have the same basic values as we do.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    The western hemisphere will unite sooner or later.

    Might as well just get over it. It will not be as bad as one would think if it is done properly. (The EU is not the way to go)

    Anyone that is against a United Western Hemisphere are the same mentally challanged people that thought there will never be a US because of Virginians or South Carolinians or Georgians.

    Fear of losing identity is just that fear.


  16. jescott418 says:

    OK, even Clinton admits to NAFTA being bad for America. George just keeps getting things wrong. I would think the Republicans would tell him to shut up!! I guess George your dreadful approval rating does not give you any hints about how the American people really feel.

  17. JimD says:

    Looks like that “Super Corridor” is a plot to get more ILLEGALS AND COCAINE INTO CANADA !!! Watch out Canucks, they ARE OUT TO GET YOU TOO !!!

  18. MikeN says:

    The President says now is not the time to renegotiate NAFTA. So when is the time?

  19. jcunwired says:

    Bush lied through his teeth, once again, by saying that the economy had expanded. What country is he presiding over, anyway?

  20. RBG says:

    #20 jcunwired

    Maybe he read it in the first paragraph of Wikipedia “Economy of the United States.”

    “The U.S. economy has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate.”



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