Is this funny? Or just weird. Cast your vote below.

And, yes I know it’s been around for a while! Apparently this sort of thing is a common sight in Holland. They like bicycles.

Now, here’s one that is very clever and worth watching. It’s titled the World’s Worst Job [Caution: contains coarse language]

Yes, bare men’s chests on two videos. For the ladies!

  1. Nick says:

    A liberal on his way to “Critical Mass” in SF? 😉

  2. RTaylor says:

    Well it would help to know some Dutch, then again, maybe not.

  3. RTaylor says:

    John maybe you should warn people to turn the speakers down if they’re at work. Some people takes offense to language so easily and it would be a shame to have a HR person interrogate a reader.

  4. DReader says:

    It says it contains coarse language… Anyway shouldn’t you be working instead of surfing all day?

  5. Me says:

    The Verizon one is f-ing hilarious!!!

  6. site admin says:

    I think people should stop being pushed around by HR people!!! Turn it up!

    (working from home)

  7. Alex says:

    First one is weird, second is funny (but old).

    Also, please put NSFW tags next time.

  8. Pat says:

    The wife is asleep so I’m using headphones, good ole Dark Side of the Moon. Verizon is good. I don’t speak dutch though. Any translations?

  9. Eideard says:

    The most useful, comparatively expensive bit of geek gear I own, Pat — is a pair of Dolby-certified, cordless headphones.

    My wife goes to bed well before I do — and I’m liable to be watching one of my favorite murder mysteries or the 17th rerun of Alien. These critters prevent a significant confrontation.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    That’s fucking hilarious! Gosh, if I hadn’t gotten such crappy service from Verizon (no, I couldn’t hear you now, and if I could, all I had to do was move five feet and that would stop), I would subscribe to them just on the basis of that commercial. Rock on, dudes. And just improve your coverage, and maybe I’ll even buy your services. Of course, ALL cell phone services suck, so perhaps I should just go with them on general principles.

  11. akern233 says:

    I guess Verizon really never stops working for you. Never.

  12. Babaganoosh says:

    Guess you guys never got the memo. “Caution: contains coarse language” = NSFW

  13. Mike Voice says:

    2nd one is great, a great payoff for a “shaggy dog” story.

    First one seems to be a guy who lost a bet. 🙂

    Looks like he is about to cry, at the end. I would be too if I had lost that wager!

    [and I’m guessing, I don’t understand a word he is saying/yelling]

  14. ijsbrand says:

    The first video shows Dutch actor Jack Wouterse in a scene I don’t recognize immediately – but he is in everything, so that hardly limits it.

    While cycling Wouterse is heared to say cursingly:
    ‘Krijg de tering, kanker, typhus” = ‘Go to hell, fuck off, drop dead.’ or more literally: ‘Gallopping consumption on you, and cancer, and typhoid’.

    ‘Hier, hier. Kijk uit, hè.’ = ‘Here, here. Watch out, eh’

    “Krijg de kanker’ = ‘Cancer on you’

    About why the Dutch incorporate so many major diseases into their swearing many linguistic reports have been written.


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