Differences? Well, Mueller prefers a .40 calibre Glock

Private information about Google users was demanded by governments or police a total of 14,201 times in 26 developed countries in the last six months of last year, according to figures released for the first time by the internet giant…

In an effort to highlight the amount of online censorship that exists, Google disclosed that it had received more requests from the United States than anywhere else – and that it complied with anywhere from three-quarters to more than 90% of the requests depending on which country they were made in…

Google began releasing its half-yearly Transparency Report in April 2010 as a way to highlight state censorship of the internet. “For the first time, we’re disclosing the reasons behind requests for content removal and the percentages of user data requests we comply with, in whole or in part,” a Google spokesman said…

The figures show that Brazil still leads the way in requesting that Google removes content from its services, with 263 orders, ahead of South Korea, Germany, Libya and India…

Anyone surprised?

  1. GregAllen says:

    This report seems to blur censorship and requesting user information.

    I hate censorship. I hate harassment of political dissidents.

    But, I want the government to crack pedophile rings, cyber stalkers, identity thieves, etc.

    In the article, it seemed like they were lumping these very different things together.

  2. bobbo, in Repose says:

    What do you call it when we all want government to be transparent and then we want privacy for ourselves?

    Yes, the old saw: there is a difference between privacy and anonymity. Too bad the ideas are too often treated as the same.

    I am “proud” of everything I do on the internet. Well, except for that dog on monkey porn collection I have. Is that really so bad?

  3. bobbo, in Repose says:

    Ha, ha. I just did it myself. Let me correct:

    “What do you call it when we all want government to be transparent and then we want ANONYMITY for ourselves?”

  4. okorpheus says:

    It’s worth pointing out that 1,100 of the 1,400 takedown requests were court orders pertaining to defamation in google groups. Ton of trolls out there.

  5. MarcoB says:

    Please, tell Google there is nothing to worry about. It is easy to make a deal with Brazil.

    Just make a social site called Sambaqui, talking about Samba, Churrasco and Soccer. It also could have some space to talk about how Brazil is beautiful, how the brazilian people is nice and very mixed, how their economy is good and strong, how brazilian women are hot and sexy.

    It could make a double score if there is some space for brazilian politicians talk about their well implemented actions.

    After that Brazil would be your Google.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I have to go with GregAllen’s reasoning in #1. These are crimes being investigated. The “requests” are standard criminal procedure.

    What I have a problem with is the invasive investigation of peaceful groups on the possibility they may be a subversive or terrorist group.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Anyone with intelligence would see instantly see these numbers as presented are not what the article says.

    It’s not the total count but the total percentage by population that really matters, mixed in with how much that country actually uses Google.

    Doing request/population, we find the US isn’t at the top at all, it’s Singapore. The US ranks better than the Singapore, UK, and France to name a few, and compares reasonably well with the rest considering other countries use of Google.

    What you freedom lovers should really be worried about is the “28% increase year-on-year” for the US. 28%!! That’s what happens when we elect a Dictator.

    See what a little thinking can do?

  8. TooManyPuppies says:

    I’m in agreement with GregAllen on this one. So long as the US Gov complies with full legal requirements. A warrant must be sought and the Judge must be satisfied that there is reasonable cause for the investigation. The subject/suspect must meet definitions that they have or are committing a crime.

  9. JimD says:

    The old Question: Who polices the Police ???

  10. foobar says:

    All the major free providers do this. Google even has an API to service such requests.

    If you use a free service, you get what you pay for.

  11. deowll says:

    Anybody who thinks the US government only seeks people’s personal information when they have probable cause to think a crime has been committed most likely things that taxing more and increasing government spending will create a vibrate economy like Greece and Spain are enjoying.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    I wonder if this has anything to do with not repealing the Patriot Act.

  13. Publius says:

    Your ISP and your phone co are where most government snooping has happened.

    Tricky Dick’s Plumbers Did Not Need Google.

  14. GregAllen says:

    >> Ah_Yea said, on June 27th, 2011 at 10:19 am
    >> That’s what happens when we elect a Dictator.

    You need to read a history book if you confuse Obama with a dictator.

  15. Ricochet Rabbit says:


  16. Micromike says:

    Free and Democratic country? You can’t be referring to the U.S. where the ‘Patriot Act’ outlawed the Constitution and officially ended our freedom.

    Our government investigates every group that has public meetings and has been doing that since at least the 1950s. Every group, even prayer groups, are investigated several times each year just because they hold public meetings.

    Nobody will ever give you freedom you must take it for yourself.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    Coincidentally, I was just watching an upload of the movie “Brazil” on YouTube. Which if you recall is about a dystopian form of government that censors and extracts information from its citizens by force and torture. The title actually refers the only radio broadcast song, we ever hear during the movie. And the movie score is largely based on the “Brazil” song. So it is rather an amazing coincidence that the country Brazil, is so adamant about Google censoring information. Or…. is it?


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