Trying to upgrade Windows Vista to Windows 7 without having to start over. This is for my friend who got the CrtptoDefense Virus. The next computer I get is not going to be Windows. It will either be just Linux or Android. (No – not going Apple. Steve Jobs sucks and his ghost is still running the company.

The following issues are preventing Windows from upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, complete each task, and then restart the upgrade to continue.

An error prevented a required compliance check from completing. Cancel the installation and try upgrading again.

What the hell kind of an error message is that? You would think Microsoft would come up with something with a little more information.

NEW – clarification


Not trying to upgrade a machine with a virus on it. She had a two year old image backup. I restored that and applied all the updates. But I’m trying to upgrade that – not the one that was infected.


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