• Retail Christmas sales up 8-percent over last year.
  • Google denies rumors about gDrive. Decides to go into renewable energy for some unknown reason.
  • PS3 sales up.
  • Xbox360 adding social networks.
  • iPhone controversy continuing.
  • People getting burned in Facebook.
  • Moveon.org has petition against Facebook.
  • Lenovo opening shop in Poland.

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  1. Rurouni12065 says:

    I would just like to say thank you for producing the tech5 podcast. I no longer have as much time as I would like to keep myself posted on tech news, and I found that the podcast has becoming incredibly useful to me. Thanks for producing this, and keep up the good work.

  2. ECA says:

    I believe people should BELIEVE in the adverts they display. TV/radio/what ever…
    Loved the Vodka ones and you even commented.
    BUT, SONY??? UGH…

  3. ECA says:

    Is clean, IF’ they wish to..
    some corp wanted to place 3 coal electric plants in S. Idaho.. It was found(and scuttled) after it was found they WERENT the newer types. this is a farming community how do you like your LEAd and arsenic..

  4. David says:

    I second the sentiment expressed by #1. It’s become hard for me to keep up with the daily tech news, let alone just sorting out the real news from the corporate PR pieces. Dvorak does a great job choosing the most important stories and ridiculing where it’s due.

  5. JimR says:

    Geez, I wonder if there’s a Dvorak spell on this tech report. I am about to compliment John as well. I like the whole delivery John. You serve the right sized portions, a nice variety without being too much, and just a dash of opinion for flavour. You’ve got talent John, and looking back over my corny writing I have to admit that I don’t. 🙂

  6. John S says:

    What is up with Google? I think they are going in too many direction.
    Can anyone say self destruction? You know this being green thing is just another American fad. It’s poorly thought out and it’s just about rich people trying to make money. Just look at how the Ethanol thing has come to a halt. Several planned Ethanol plants have been put on hold because the corn prices have gone through the roof because of demand?
    No kidding, really? I just read recently that France has about 70% diesel automobiles in that country. No matter what people say about it.
    The diesel engine and the fuel have much more energy then gasoline.
    Why do we look too fuels like Soy and Corn which produce a fuel that has less BTU’s by volume then gasoline? Is being green about using less resources? Not more.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    “What is up with Google? I think they are going in too many direction.”

    That’s because they have plenty of money to burn.

    “Why do we look to fuels like Soy and Corn which produce a fuel that has less BTU’s by volume then gasoline? Is being green about using less resources? Not more.”

    Ask the farm lobbies about that. Sugarcane is much better than corn for that matter.


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