1. god says:

    The Onion rocks. The fools running this country make all this stuff believable.

  2. Awake says:

    With the amount of money that we have spent so far in Iraq, couldn’t we have bought each one of them a “pure gold basket for their personal ballon” by now? Where did all that money go? Where did 50% go? Where did ANY of it go?

  3. charlie says:

    Africa begins at the Pyrenees….

  4. Seth says:

    Haha, I saw this last night in iTunes. The Onion is great.

    What’s sad is how likely this is to be true. I’ve actually met people who thought Africa was a country and didn’t believe me that Iraq was in Asia.

    Where do these people go to school? Must be somewhere like California or Texas. Hah! Cheap shot but that’s all us Jersey boys have.

  5. Dallas says:

    That pretty much sums up this administration.

    According to my estimation, every man , woman child in Andorra got a $48,000 check from US tax payers.

    In other news…. the US is Andorra’s favorite country.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    I’m tired of seeing Ann Coulters face for Ad sense . I’m getting anal leakage.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    I know what I’m going to do! I’m gonna’ name my house Angorraq and get some of the sweet green stuff!

  8. MikeN says:

    Speaking of presidential incompetence, isn’t Hillary’s campaign theme that she will be ‘ready on Day 1’? Now one of her campaign people said they were stumped when asked about the delegate selection process in Texas, and what counts a s a win there. Then in Pennsylvania, they couldn’t even field a full slate of delegates! Luckily for them the governor is on their side, and has extended the deadline.

    BY the way, where are the calls about stolen elections given that the The New York Times found 60 precincts with no votes for Obama on the first count, and a recount is turning up thousands of votes for him?

  9. James Hill says:

    #9 – Stick with the topic: The Onion is much more interesting than the primaries.

  10. MikeN says:

    So much of government policy is done the same way. How much are we spending on Aids in Africa, based on wildly inflated numbers of aids cases, like one if 3 have aids or some such?

  11. Mister Catshit says:

    #9, MikeN

    Don’t you ever quit trolling. The only thing you got right was the way you spelled the first letter of your last name.

  12. ECA says:

    always wanted to ask…
    HOW to you spell a letter?

    TRY this..
    The only thing you got right was the first letter of your last name

  13. Dugger says:

    Shouldn’t you say “HOW do you spell a letter?”

  14. tallwookie says:

    lol the onion = teh funnay

  15. frescas says:

    To mister Uncle Ben,

    It was The Reconquista. Not the crusades.

  16. Joshua says:

    #11…MikeN……the way things are going, the only thing Bush did worthwhile in 7 years was spend a lot of money on a very successful program to help those with AIDS in Africa. You might think it’s a waste, but I don’t and millions of African’s sure as hell don’t.
    And, from what I read….Andorra has no poverty anymore….go Bush!!!!! 🙂


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