On March 26, 2008, surgeons at UC San Diego Medical Center removed an inflamed appendix through a patient’s vagina, a first in the United States. Following the 50-minute procedure, the patient, Diana Schlamadinger, reported only minor discomfort. Removal of diseased organs through the body’s natural openings offers patients a rapid recovery, minimal pain, and no scarring.

The procedure, called Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES), involves passing surgical instruments through a natural orifice, such as the mouth or vagina, to remove a diseased organ such as an appendix or gallbladder. Only one incision is made through the belly button for the purpose of inserting a two millimeter camera into the abdominal cavity so the surgeons can safely access the surgical site…

Schlamadinger, a third-year graduate student at UC San Diego working toward her Ph.D. in chemistry, reported her pain as a ‘1’ or a ‘0.5’ on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest. The opportunity to participate in the clinical trial was attractive to the scientist in her.

Still, it has to make you as nervous – hoping you don’t get jumpy – as a vasectomy.

  1. Thanks a lot for this info

  2. This is a great post. I like it!

  3. was there a problem after the surgery?

  4. Paris Tours says:

    I cant believe I just read that.

  5. I am really amazed by this.

  6. ufc 95 live says:

    Wow as in WOW. That should be painful unless with anesthesia. believable.

  7. The other option the docs are talking about is appendectomies through the mouth. This seems like a much shorter route.

  8. oes.tsetnoc says:

    great technology but i think that was expensive only rich people can reach that surgery..

  9. Diamond Engagement Ring says:

    OMG. I’m a nurse, and this is the first I’ve heard of something like this.
    Urgh … Can’t imagine!

  10. John says:

    Awesome news I just knew about this

  11. Micki Alwan says:

    Cannot imagine how one can do this without having proper knowledge.


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