Two men shot each other with Taser stun guns during a “bonehead” dispute over a wheel clamp.

Harvey Epstein, a restaurateur, and Casey Dane, a security supervisor, gave each other a simultaneous 50,000-volt jolt after an argument over the clamping of Epstein’s van spiralled out of control.

Colorado state police said neither man needed medical attention, but Epstein was arrested on suspicion of menacing and using a stun gun.

Pat Wyton, a Boulder police sergeant, told the paper: “It was just kind of a bonehead deal. They shot each other.

Maybe they could a have a Prime Time rematch on reality TV?

  1. gquaglia says:

    I think Hillary and Barack should try this. Winner become the nominee.

  2. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


    I was thinking you and Lyin’MikeN could do it. You’re both such boneheads.

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    I don’t think Tazer makes stun guns. People typically do not get “shot” with stun guns. The projectile prongs on the Tazer’s qualify this weapon as a device that shoots. And thus a subject can be “shot” with it. Essentially, this should boil down to whether or not, the parking lot was well lit and there was enough “yo, rides gonna get towed” signs.

  4. traaxx says:

    A Tazer is considered a stun gun, or as close as they come with today’s tech.

    Don’t worry either Hillary or Barrack Husein Obyourmama will take away the ability to have Tazers as self-defense tools.


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