Sneddon. Is Everyone in Santa Barbara Creepy? | 06/14/2005 | Jury finds Michael Jackson not guilty — Here is another California taxpayer fiasco. Millions of dollars were thrown away on this case and according to the jurors there was not much of a case in the first place. The D.A. (above) shoud be arrested and made to pay back the money he wasted. Then again it could have been the Sheriff pushing the case. When Jackson sues the County those two should pick up the tab.

Several jurors were critical of the accuser’s mother and appeared to have discounted her testimony as well as that of her 15-year-old son. But they stressed that they had been careful to examine every bit of evidence and follow the judge’s instructions.

Nothing mattered beyond that, they said. Not Jackson’s tarnished fame. Not the intermittent parade of celebrities who testified or sat in the courtroom on Jackson’s behalf. Not Jackson’s high-priced defense team.

”I don’t want to give the impression that this was a slam-dunk deal,” said juror No. 1, an older man with white hair and brushy white mustache, who was identified in an interview with CNN Monday night as Raymond Hultman. “We challenged the issues and we came to the decision that pointed to reasonable doubt.”

The jury largely reflected the demographics of northern Santa Barbara County. There were eight women and four men ranging in age from 20 to 79. The jurors were mostly white; one was Asian American and two others were Hispanic. One of the alternate jurors was African American. Eight were parents.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    I’m going out on a limb here, but it’s my opinion that Jackson is NOT a pedophile. And my reasoning is simple: Where is the evidence that Jackson had actual sex with a child?! If he were a pedophile combined with all the children he cavorts with, there would have to several children he “did” with resulting physical evidence. But there are none. All the alleged allegations involve him sleeping in the same bed with kids, giving kids alcohol, etc. But no real sexual contact. Is he a celibate pedophile?!

    I personally think he’s just crazy. He’s never had what we’d call a normal life. He had a crazy dad. He was on the road and in the spotlight since he was a very young child. I think he likes children but doesn’t know the normal way of acting with them because he never got a chance to learn.

    I have to wonder if this whole issue will finally be dropped or whether people will continue trying to milk this.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    My favorite part of this fiasco was watching Fox News – without sound – while working-out at the gym.

    Last week: Jury deliberations – the probable prison “Jacko” would be sent to, how prison rules prohibited wigs and makeup, and scenes of Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan (?!)

    This week: interviews with “Jacko’s” lawyers, with the on-screen text below the lawyer stating “Jacko to stop sleeping with children”.

    It was interesting to see him found guilty in the media, and the “court of public opinion” – and then see him surrounded by a crowd of his fans celebrating his aquittal.

  3. Pat says:

    Deserved or not, Jackson will have a reputation for the rest of is life.

    Although many might criticize Jackson for paying off the alleged case 10 years ago, how many times did entertainers like Frank Sinatra, Errol Flynn, or Dean Martin pay to make something go away. Anyone remember the top silent movie star, Fatty Arbuckle, who was wiped out financially and had his career killed over a dubious sex accusation.

  4. gregallen says:

    I seriously doubt that Jackson will sue the country because he might lose in civil trial where the burdon of evidence is much lower.

    The post trial interviews showed clearly that the million-dollar lawyers were MUCH BRIGHTER than Sneddon. (but with worse hair, for some reason)

    If you are rich enough, the justice system works MUCH BETTER for you.


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