Herald.com | 06/28/2005 | Microsoft, Toshiba join together for HD-DVD This format is a pure consumer electronics product. The Blu-Ray is computer-oriented. For Microsoft to choose the non-computer-centric standard either says it has lost it or seriously hates Apple and Sony. I suspect the latter.

TOKYO – In an expansion of their alliance, Microsoft and Toshiba said Monday they plan to develop high-definition DVD players together, cross-license technologies and cooperate in designing new models of mobile personal computers.

The deal, announced by Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and Toshiba President Atsutoshi Nishida, is a big win for the HD-DVD format in its competition against another technology called Blu-ray Disc, which is backed by Sony and Apple Computers, to become the world standard for the next-generation of DVD players.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    I think it says that Microsoft desperately wants to get into our living rooms. Microsoft would love to get a piece of every HD-DVD player sold.

    Also, I think Microsoft realizes that Hollywood will never embrace a HD format that can be used natively on computers. Hollywood definitely wants a closed and completely proprietary system this time around, and it’s impossible to guarantee that when computers are involved. Thus, there is no point trying to back a computer based HD format as it will almost certainly fail for lack of content.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Just another example of M$ using its muscle to push forward their agenda at the sake of the consumer.

  3. Ed Campbell says:

    This is perfectly consistent with the M$oft decision to go with a variation on the cell processor for the XBox. The series was designed from the gitgo for gamers and goniffs.

    Gates & Co. made the decision to come down on the side of the most backwards element of American communications, the “entertainment” industry. Well, almost. It would be hard to take the title away from Telcos; but, the MPAA will certainly try.

    Anyway, if Fair Use has to be sold out to make the next batch of bucks for Bill, that’s obviously OK. They may as well build it in from the start.

  4. Jason says:

    The only company that gives Microsoft a run for it’s money in pure evil, customer-hating practices is Sony.

    It’s hard to care about one side or the other here, sort of like picking whether you want to be slapped on the left or the right side of your face.

  5. […] Microsoft Dumps Computer-Oriented Format, Chooses HD-DVD Dvorak … Herald.com | 06/28/2005 | Microsoft, Toshiba join together for HD-DVD This format is a pure consumer electronics product. The Blu-Ray is computer-oriented. […]

  6. […] forums@forum.dvdtalk.com (BRAISKI) wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptMicrosoft Dumps Computer-Oriented Format, Chooses HD-DVD Dvorak … Herald.com | 06/28/2005 | Microsoft, Toshiba join together for HD-DVD This format is a pure consumer electronics product. The Blu-Ray is computer-oriented. […] […]

  7. p-o-r-n-vid-eos here…

    p-o-r-n-vid-eos here …

  8. Edenfantasys says:

    Really, how often do you watch extras? HD DVD seems so gimicky….BluRay seems to have that…if you just wanna watch a great looking movie kinda feel to it. And speaking of gimicky, HD DVD seems to be backed by those “gimicky low end providers” no professional ever uses. I use Sony broadcast equipment day in and day out, and it is more expensive for a reason….it just works. And lastly, HD DVD without the XBOX—-would have been dead long ago! Seriously, you ever brag about your Toshiba equipment?
    I reallllly want to drop some coin on a next-gen player, but I refuse to spend my money during a format war. I will get a player when I can get a good deal on a dual format player, OR when one of the formats dies off…..


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