Click pic for video to start

While this is a comic impersonating our prez, is there anything he says, anything he does, that you couldn’t imagine coming out of Bush? Doesn’t that scare the crap out of you?

  1. Mr Fusion says:

    Excellent parody.

  2. Babaganoosh says:

    That was one of the most hilarious impersonations I’ve ever seen.

  3. Andrew says:

    are you sure thats not the real george bush….

  4. Raff says:

    Longhorn Westside… Damn G..

  5. Milo says:

    Republican time!

    Ah ah hem.

    Typical Hollywood limousine liberal lies. That video is not funny at all and that guy doesn’t look or act anything like President Bush. Furthermore it is well known that Clinton did whatever that guy was doing and nobody in Hollywood ever made fun of him, completely unfair treatment! Bush is obviously not someone that should be made fun of as he has won one election and is our leader during this time of perpetual war. Maybe when the perpetual war is over we can have comedy again but as it is this video only encourages America’s enemies and insults our LORD Jesus.

  6. Locke says:

    YOUR lord jesus. Please be politically correct when trying to un-bash president bush. And, also when approvals are below 50% he deserves to be bashed…..they are…..aren’t they?

  7. Me says:

    Whatever failings Bush has (and he has a few…) voting against Algore and Kerry was essential as it was voting for a worthwhile future for the human race, which both of those people would have destroyed.

    That being said, that guy is pretty funny. Milo, lighten up – there were plenty of Clinton impersonators too. Part of the freedom our soldiers fight to protect is the freedom to make fun of our leaders.

  8. moss says:

    Uh, “me” — I think it’s Milo’s version of satirizing folks like you.

  9. Milo says:

    You win the prize moss!.. It’s a tandem bike ride with the President!

  10. Geoffrey Knobl says:

    A possible caption for just the photo…

    “I have ten fingers… 1, 2, 3, 5, uh…, 7, 8, 10!”

  11. Mr Fusion says:

    …voting against Algore and Kerry was essential as it was voting for a worthwhile future for the human race, which both of those people would have destroyed.

    Everybody is a comedian tonight.

    I am happy to know that it was Bush and Cheney instead that got to destroy America.

  12. Me says:

    What’s so bad about America right now? I think it’s pretty darn good. It’s certainly the best place on Earth to live. About the only things I can think of that need improving are to get rid of the densely packed house and build bigger ones spaced much further apart and to get rid of compact cars and replace them all witrh trucks.

    Algore and Kerry both would have imposed Euopean style fees on fuel to “discourage” usage and probably would have raised taxes in other ways as well. Better to see Earth disappear than that kind of society take hold.


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