Associated Press – 9/24/07:

Jennifer Flynn is not a rabble-rouser. She’s not an aspiring suicide bomber. She doesn’t advocate the overthrow of the government. Instead, she pushes for funding and better treatment for people with HIV and AIDS. Better keep an eye on her. Wait! Somebody already did.

While visiting her family in Hillside, N.J., Flynn spotted a car with a New York license plate parked outside the house. When she left to head back to her Brooklyn home that evening, the car followed hers. Shortly after leaving Hillside, two more vehicles, also with New York plates, seemed to be tailing her, too.

Is Flynn paranoid? Well, she is now. She did, however, jot down the license plate number of one of the vehicles in Jersey – a blue sport utility vehicle… The license plate number traces back to a company – Pequot Inc. – and a post office box at an address far from the five boroughs. Registering unmarked cars to post office boxes outside the city or to shell companies is a common practice of law enforcement agencies to shield undercover investigators.

When you use scare tactics, you really are curbing our right to dissent against the government,” she said. “The only thing this is serving to do is squash public dissent. By going after the organizers of a rally, you really are sending a message – ‘Don’t hold a rally.'”

  1. Perry Noiya says:

    On the day before a rally by the New York City AIDS Housing Network at the 2004 Republican National Convention……

    So this lady thought that she would lead a rally at the biggest security problem in NYC since 9/11 and no one was going to pay any attention to her. Think of the agencies involved; NYPD, State police, FBI, Homeland Security, the Secret Service, FBI and probably others I haven’t thought of. She is lucky not to have been the subject of a surreptitious colonoscopy.

    (I wasn’t going to comment on this OLD story, but the chance to use the term “surreptitious colonoscopy” was too good to pass up.)


  2. hhopper says:

    Mr. Fusion, nobody is “worked up” about it. It’s just a mild discussion. This is not about religion, abortion, HDTV, Apple, M$, etc.

  3. tallwookie says:

    See, I would have made motolov cocktails & hurled em from the roof of the house… works with jehovas witnesses…


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