Associated Press – 9/24/07:

Jennifer Flynn is not a rabble-rouser. She’s not an aspiring suicide bomber. She doesn’t advocate the overthrow of the government. Instead, she pushes for funding and better treatment for people with HIV and AIDS. Better keep an eye on her. Wait! Somebody already did.

While visiting her family in Hillside, N.J., Flynn spotted a car with a New York license plate parked outside the house. When she left to head back to her Brooklyn home that evening, the car followed hers. Shortly after leaving Hillside, two more vehicles, also with New York plates, seemed to be tailing her, too.

Is Flynn paranoid? Well, she is now. She did, however, jot down the license plate number of one of the vehicles in Jersey – a blue sport utility vehicle… The license plate number traces back to a company – Pequot Inc. – and a post office box at an address far from the five boroughs. Registering unmarked cars to post office boxes outside the city or to shell companies is a common practice of law enforcement agencies to shield undercover investigators.

When you use scare tactics, you really are curbing our right to dissent against the government,” she said. “The only thing this is serving to do is squash public dissent. By going after the organizers of a rally, you really are sending a message – ‘Don’t hold a rally.'”

  1. gquaglia says:

    Registering unmarked cars to post office boxes outside the city or to shell companies is a common practice of law enforcement

    Nope, usually unmarked police cars come up as not on file. Could it be some private company, sure, but to insinuate the government has some sinister plot to follow this woman is ludacris. If this were digg, I would bury the story at paranoid, anti government rantings.

    My opinion BULLSHIT STORY.

  2. Atomic Bitchwax says:

    Nope, usually unmarked police cars come up as not on file.

    Uh… no they don’t.

  3. ECA says:

    wouldnt it be MORE interesting of a CORP, to make you paranoid??

    Im sorry, I tend to be an instigator, and its FUN to play with peoples minds.
    IF the gov wishes you to QUIT/STOP doing something wouldnt it be FUN to just notify the Corps needed?
    We subsidize ALOT of corps, why not make them WORK for the money they PAY the politicians??

    Fun aint it..

  4. moss says:

    Welcome to Amerika, kiddies. It’s the country I grew up in – where the FBI and local red squads did this sort of crap on a daily basis.

    Did you think it can’t happen here? Did you think it never happened before? Do you think the Constitution means anything to politicians who profit from fear?

    It happened through the history of the founding of the American labor movement. It happened through the whole history of the civil rights movement. You’ve always been a target if you were a peace activist.

    Cripes! Read testimony before the old House Unamerican Activities Committee – from local cops, FBI and other government creeps. Get used to it. Because until – and unless – we get some folks in Congress and the White House with any respect for the Bill of Rights, it ain’t gonna get better on its own.

  5. Bill says:

    This is BULL. There are LOTs of people driving around NJ with New York plates.

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    Now it’s not the RED SCARE, it’s the SPEAK AGAINST BUSH SCARE.

    A couple of years ago, I notice an unmarked car parked down the road from me, a couple of nights a week, with two men in it. A big black Crown Vic. We have a ‘neighborhood’ on my road, and everyone knows everyone, and helps everyone, so when I saw these guys, I asked them what they were doing there. They told me to mind my business. I informed them that we have a neighborhood here, and it’s EVERYONE’s business when strange cars park down the road. They shrugged it off, and told me that they didn’t have to tell me. Later that evening, I went to get some groceries, and there was that Crown Vic, in the parking lot. When I drove home, they followed me. Well, being the neighborly guy I am, I put on a pot of coffee, and trotted out with a cup for each of them. I said that if they were G-men, at least they should have some coffee if they are watching me. They thanked me, and to this day, when they show up, and follow me, I just wave at them, acknowledging their presence. I know that they work for the government, and are watching me, as I have been vocally against Bushco, Inc. for a long, long time.

    WTF are they going to do? Arrest me for using my first amendment rights? Give me a break. Let them watch me, I do not care. I just think it’s a waste of money, and time, but what the heck do I know anyway.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This is BULL. There are LOTs of people driving around NJ with
    >>New York plates.

    Yep. And I understand that it’s quite common for them to follow you from state to state, tracking your efforts to shake them, and then sit outside your house at 4am with laptop computers. And then their license plates lead back to a fake company that doesn’t exist.

    Happens all the time, right?

  8. Matt says:

    What’s more likely, that there’s a “secret government police force using intimidation to squelch dissent” or that someone wants to achieve victim status to give her message and agenda more press?

    A simple use of Akums Razor can easily shed life on this BS story.

  9. moss says:

    The simple use of straw-man copouts for a sentence or two to dismiss police state tactics – is enough to remove the question from the minds of the foolish and timid.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>What’s more likely, that there’s a “secret government police force
    >>using intimidation to squelch dissent” or that someone wants to
    >>achieve victim status to give her message and agenda more
    >>press? A simple use of Akums Razor can easily shed life on this
    >>BS story.

    You must have been using “Akums Razor” (sic) to shave your legs, son.

    If you don’t think that undercover police, the FBI, and NSA, and all the rest of the government agencies are using covert (and in many cases illegal) means to keep tabs on American citizens exercising their inalienable rights…..well, you’re just to dumb to qualify for citizenship.

  11. MikeN says:

    Sounds like a hoax, but maybe the Hillary Administration has started early. Kathleen Willey claims her house was broken into so that team could get their hand on an early draft of her book. I could believe this later, given how Hillary had the Conspiracy Stream of Communications

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>maybe the Hillary Administration has started early.

    Or maybe the Court of Little King Georgie is still in denial that their totalitarian regime is in its “lame duck” phase.

    It’s a lot more likely that a fascist like the Chimperor in Chief is behind this kind of Iron Curtain shenannigans than that Hillary (or any Democrat) would ever be.

  13. mwinsown says:

    6 – simple to solve. Wait for a kid to roll by on his/her bike then call the cops and say you saw two strange men in a car looking at the little kids on the street.

    When the locals show up with lights flashing and guns drawn, everybody in the neighborhood will look at them suspiciously everytime they park there.

    Let the paranoia work for you.

  14. mark says:

    13. I like your style.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Close. Just call the police and mention that the car has been there for some time looking suspicious. You know, Homeland Security and all. When the police arrive, go outside and take some pictures of the car and occupants. Don’t forget to make sure you get the license plate.

  16. GigG says:

    #13 Wasn’t that on an episode of “Burn Notice” ?

    BTW… I think it is a BS story.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Instead, she pushes for funding and better treatment for people with HIV and AIDS. Better keep an eye on her. Wait! Somebody already did.”

    Sounds to me that there are people in the White house who still think AIDS was sent by God to kill gays & Lesbians.

  18. Calin says:

    My first question is….how did she run the plates? I mean, access to that db isn’t just handed out.

    Secondly, how is it that a group of investing consultants (Pequot) = U.S. government?

    And if you’re curious, Pequot has offices at :
    153 East 53rd St.
    35th Floor
    New York, NY 10022

    What a friend we have in google.

  19. Jim Shaffer says:

    Big surpirse, J Edgar’s dead but his spirit lives on (and some of his ‘spooks’ too). I mean people like Martin Luther King or John Lennon got harrassed I don’t see why they wouldn’t follow this aparently harmless but potentially dangerous woman. It’s the American way – trust but verify, peace through superior firepower, and don’t tread on me. All in the sacred name of National Security. Now, tell me, don’t you feel secure?

  20. Lewy says:

    Go to Google. Search for “license plate lookup”. Choose your vendor from the 2,460,000 hits.

  21. Dennis says:

    Occam’s Razor only applies when the result is based on reasonable action.

    Humans are far from reasonable.

    I would say watch how far up the chain the “Patriot Act is Unconstitutional” ruling from Portland OR goes. What the Supreme Court decides on this (as it WILL go to them) matter is where our society will be headed.

    Said it a year or more ago. Welcome to Amerika.
    First door on the left….one cross each.

  22. Rabble Rouser says:

    It’s VERY easy for someone who knows someone who knows someone who works for the local sheriff to run the plates for you… For FREE!

  23. Dennis says:

    Also, access to DMV information can be purchased AT the Courthouse here….on CD. All PUBLIC records can be accessed. Just have to Pay to access them now.

    People need to research the local Government and Federal rules before they start believing “Oh, that can’t happen here”.

    It can, and IT DOES, and if it is not stopped, it will ONLY GET WORSE.
    But, most won’t care as long as they can go to the mall and spend spend spend…..worthless currency is on the way…as well as the Debtor nation.

    Follow the money…Who profits? In Power, Money, Prestige? Thats where the corruption WILL ALWAYS be. Occams Razor or not.

  24. Calin says:

    And who profits from stopping an HIV rally? I mean, if this person was pushing for votes for gay marriage or the like, I could buy it. But this, it’s a question of manpower, and this isn’t important enough for BushCo to tamper with. There’s no money in it.

  25. gquaglia says:

    What a bunch of black helicoper, tin foil hat wearing nuts you people are. Better head for the hills and stock up on food and ammo before the big, bad government gets you.

  26. Dennis says:

    Just because I am Paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get me.

    Its about CONTROL. It always has been.

    I have always said that whoever wants the Presidency the most should be locked up as INSANE> because the only people that would want that job enough to strive to get it have to be Crazy.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – A simple use of Akums Razor can easily shed life on this BS story.

    Stolen from Wiki:
    Occam’s razor (sometimes spelled Ockham’s razor) is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory.

    The principle is often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae (“law of parsimony” or “law of succinctness”):

    “entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,”

    which translates to:

    “entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.”

    I know most of you know this… But I needed to be sure…

  28. Homer says:

    Some of you commented without reading the actual article. It’s glaringly obvious in many cases.

    From the article: “Trying to assure herself she wasn’t nuts, Flynn tested her hunch – changing lanes, making turns, pulling over and parking. The drivers in those three vehicles mimicked her actions.”

    There’s more if you care to read it. Some replies…

    The simplest answer is that she was being followed, and this is very far from the first time this has happened. The blatancy in this case seems to have been used to instill fear, or they would have attempted to hide their presence a little better. But, many in her position prepare themselves for it. It’s been going on for decades. I don’t see the big deal. Know your rights. If you feel it’s threatening, call the cops.

    However, if she was (for argument’s sake) being followed by “someone” with the goal of instilling fear to quash her dissent, that would be alarming, evil and wrong, but not new.

    Dissent is absolutely essential for a Democracy to work properly, and the essence of freedom.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    But, but, but, if this is bull, then why is everyone so worked up about it?

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you have to conclude that the government doesn’t want HIV

    Of course they don’t. The way Dumbya and his born-again handlers think, HIV/AIDS is a curse placed on homosexuals for their abhorrent behavior.

    Better to spend $200,000,000,000.00/yr to foment terrorism in Iraq than to try and save lives.

    Where have you been for the past six years??


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