Why the hard hat?

Creation Museum and Family Discovery Center — One of the mega-churchs just outside the Cincy airport is building a “Creationism Museum.” Once the museum is built then it will be proven that dinosaurs were roaming with men 6500 years ago — just like the Alley Oop cartoon had it. You have to admire these people.

What is the AiG Creation Museum?

The Creation Museum is an outreach of Answers in Genesis, a non-profit ministry located near the Cincinnati International Airport, in northern Kentucky, USA. This 50,000 square foot facility will proclaim to the world that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice and in every area it touches on. Scheduled to open in 2007, this %u201Cwalk through history%u201D museum will be a wonderful alternative to the evolutionary natural history museums that are turning countless minds against the gospel of Christ and the authority of the Scripture.

If you contribute to the museum you can get free gifts. This painting below is supposed the “first ever” to depict dinosaurs with men.

Click to enlarge

Answers in Genesis’ exclusive “first ever” post-Flood painting showing majestic dinosaurs and other animals along with Noah’s family praising God for their deliverance and sign of “The New Covenant” for all generations to come.

In appreciation for your museum support, Answers in Genesis offers you this stunning new signed and numbered limited edition print or canvas by renowned artist Jim Oliver!

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Shows how ignorant I am!

    I thought the dinosaurs were killed by the flood.

    Good to know they were safely on the Ark.

    Now, I’ll just wait for an explanation of how they voided “The New Covenant” – which was supposed to last “for all generations to come.”

    Or is it just that “all”, for the dinosaurs, was a very small number? 😉

  2. Pat says:

    And today, the State Board of Education in Kansas is holding hearings into something called “intelligent design”.

    Let’s see,
    all of heaven and earth in just six days,
    a virgin giving birth,
    implicit approval of slavery, stoning to death, and banishment for skin conditions,
    living inside a giant fish for three days,
    the Red Sea parting just in time for a group to cross,
    wandering around with nowhere to go, nothing to do and no welfare checks arriving, for 40 years in the desert,
    people living for 800 years +,
    raising people from the dead,
    and the best one; two parents have two sons, one son kills the other, a third son is born, then all of a sudden 6 Billion plus people on the earth.

    And I am called the fool and unbeliever for doubting all this.

    Darwin’s knew that his conclusions had weaknesses, holes, and inconsistencies. In the intervening 150 years since publication though, many other scientists have filled in most holes and expanded the theory to encompass related issues. The Theory of Evolution may not be perfect and still has some questions, but it has a damn site more to back it up then the notion that some “super metaphysical being” created it all.

    In a country of 300 million people, there are bound to be a few idiots, but how do they manager to get elected / appointed to public office?

  3. beardbabe says:

    ya know that’s a really kewl looking picture. Kinda like that “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” painting with James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart sitting in a diner.

    All this picture needs is a neon tube running through the rainbow, or maybe a cycle-light.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    All this picture needs is a neon tube running through the rainbow, or maybe a cycle-light.


    I enjoyed that one. 🙂

  5. AB CD says:

    Why compare creationists to the Taliban? The Taliban were known for tearing down religious works like the Bamiyan Buddha statues, and in this country it is the ACLU that is tearing down Ten Commandments and other religious works.

  6. Pat says:

    AB CD

    A history lesson,

    About 50 years ago, there was a movie called “The Ten Commandments”. As a promotional gimmick, the promoters had all these “Ten Commandment” monuments made up then distributed across America. At the same time, and in tune with the aura of the movie, Congress added the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. The Cold War was hot and GOD was on the side of the righteous (that’s us).

    60 years ago, these town and city courthouses did not have any “Ten Commandment” monuments. 60 years ago the Pledge of Allegiance did not contain the words “under God”. And 60 years ago the nation had just defeated the Nazis and were turning to the Japanese and needed no reminder that God was on their side.

    If you carefully read the Ten Commandments and then compare it with modern law, you will find few similarities. Nowhere in modern law am I forced to worship ANY god, let alone yours. Nowhere in modern law am I not allowed covet my neighbor’s ass (even if she doesn’t mind me coveting it). There is something about “Thou shalt not kill” which modern law will allow when it is done in the name of the state.

    Nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it mention that people in love (whether straight or homosexual) may or may not marry. Nowhere in the Ten Commandments are abortion, self-determination, or living wills forbidden. And I could find no mention in the Ten Commandments that Uzis, AK-47s, or Saturday Night Specials are just fine to carry around.

    The defense that the Ten Commandments are the basis of modern law is a fallacy. Also, there is no connection between the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence. The first was written to keep ignorant peoples in line while the other three are grievances / declarations against injustice by the state. The Ten Commandments has only religious connotations and absolutely NO place in modern law or civics.

    Now the ACLU has stood up for the right of people not to be forced to adhere to or be intimidated by religion, as guaranteed by the Constitution. Having these movie promotions on the courthouse steps, in the Courts, or declared a Historical Monuments does not make non-Christians comfortable or feel secure in the fairness of the courts.

    Now, even though there MAY be some similarities between the Taliban and the EXTREME Christian Right, I can see no mention of a comparison in this post. Nor will I get into a discussion of the similarities other then to say that extremists will always think that they alone are right and theirs is the only way.

  7. Floyd says:

    For AB CD:
    Displaying the ten commandments in a public building is an attempt to tear down the first amendment to the Constitution, which reads in part:
    ” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In short, this means religion should stay out of government, and government should stay out of religion. This leads to the conclusion, legally, that religious displays in government buildings are right out, but you can attend church (or not) without government interference.

    The fundamentalists (Christian, Muslim, or other) should get their heads out of the sand, and read their bible or other sacred book (written thousands of years ago when the all too human writers knew little or nothing about science) as a source of religious truth if they like, but not of scientific truth.

  8. meetsy says:

    how come Christian fundies can ONLY talk about their religion? Are they that shallow, or brainwashed? Over-and-over, all I hear from those groups is all “pre programmed” “packaged” babbling, that is really mostly nonsense. You can’t rationalize with the bible thumpers, they have all the answer, and there’s an answer for everything. All easy answers. It appears that is more “cult like” than a free choice decision.
    I don’t see any difference between OUR homegrown crazies and the Muslim fundies…… ugly….the whole lot of them.

  9. Pat says:


    And maybe a little black velvet too.

  10. AB CD says:

    Pat, I wasn’t responding to your post. Actually, the title of the original post references the Taliban. Also, nothing challenged what I said: the Taliban tore down religious statues, and now the ACLU is the main force doing the same, not creationists. In fact, your post seems to agree with that statement.

    Floyd: I’m not sure I would count putting up a Ten Commadnments as an establishment of religion, but even if you’re right, I’m not aware of any law passed by Congress requiring the display of the Ten Commandments. Also, I wasn’t really talking about inside a public building, but rather some of the monuments that Pat has talked about. The ACLU is about to file another lawsuit out West, except they can’t find the monument.

  11. site admin says:

    You’re right about who is tearing down what. I think the Taliban reference has more to do with imposing regid religious ideals on the public. Ideals from a single perspective.

  12. Pat says:

    AB CD

    You are correct about TALIBAN being in the title. I apologize, as I had not looked up there, only reading the article and replies.

    And it is in large type too. I hang my head in shame.

    As for tearing down monuments, the ACLU has yet to tear down ONE monument. What it has done is force the Governments that have the monuments on display to remove them. The Governments may do with them as they please as long as the monuments are not on public display. The monuments may be sold, or given away or stored away. They may be broken up for road-fill or cut into paving stones for a park. Or any other method of removing them from public display at the option of that Government.

    The ACLU is only one of several groups pushing for the “Separation of Church and State”. The ACLU is not in favor of abolishing any religion; they are promoting the right of ALL peoples to practice and hold their faiths without intimidation by any other religion or group.

  13. Hank C says:

    AB CD >> Why compare creationists to the Taliban?

    I think John is making the point that both the Creationists and the Taliban are so literalistic in their scriptural interpretation that they reject much of modernity.

    John, I think the hard had is because he’s been digging around looking for fossils. He needs a rock hammer to fully accessorize.

    I just want to say it again. There are LOTS of people like me who believe in a creator-God but also believe in evolution. Once you are willing to accept that Genesis 1 is highly symbolic, then there really is no conflict.

  14. asdf says:

    Answers in Genesis is an independent, non-denominational ministry. They are not associated with any “mega church,” so I have no clue where you got that idea. Unless you want to avoid looking ridiculous like most other secular reporters, actually look into AiG before making assumptions. You’d be surprised by how much you don’t know. (No, really.)

    Actually, that painting isn’t the first to depict dinosaurs with humans.

  15. A.P. says:

    It seems to me that the secular humanists are the real American Taliban, and evolution is their religion. Some of you should really spend just a little bit of time investigating the Intelligent Design theory. Many former athiest scientists are now refuting their athiesm and proclaiming theism – the evidence for a Creator is quite compelling. I have seen no compelling evidence for evolution. Much of what you learned in your high school text books was falsified and it seems quite absurd that all living things came about randomly from absolutely nothing. Hank C., once you realize that Genesis 1-11 is literally true, there is no conflict – try starting with different presuppositions and it will all make sense.

  16. Doctor Proctopus says:

    It seems to me that the secular humanists are the real American Taliban, and evolution is their religion.

    Then I will explain the difference to you – evolution is a scientific theory. It is subject to modification and change in response to new evidence and new analysis. This is called intellectual honesty.

    Some of you should really spend just a little bit of time investigating the Intelligent Design theory.

    The fine tuning argument is quite compelling. All the arguments against the fine tuning argument that I have read seem either manipulative or based on gigantic assumptions and the misuse of Occam’s razor. However, none of that says anything about that nature of the creator(s). None of that lends support to a belief in the God of Abraham.

    Many former athiest scientists are now refuting their athiesm and proclaiming theism – the evidence for a Creator is quite compelling.

    Yeah? I bet a whole lot more of them are proclaiming deism rather than biblical belief. Even Einstein believed in God – just not in your concept of God (as in the fundie christian god, the god of eternal torture, the so-called god of love who says “worship me or suffer forever”, that old psychotic bastard of Moses’ imaginings)

    I have seen no compelling evidence for evolution.

    This is because you have not honestly looked for it. The evidence lies in numerous avenues of research, such as genetic comparison’s of different species, fossil evidence, micro-scale evolution of bacteria, etc…

    Much of what you learned in your high school text books was falsified

    Really? I have a feeling it is just a few things that received a lot of attention. Regardless, everything that you learned in your bible class was also the product of human effort. Human’s make mistakes, or even tell lies to support their own belief – it happens.

    and it seems quite absurd that all living things came about randomly from absolutely nothing.

    If you study evolution theory, it will not seem quite so absurd. Especially if this universe was designed for the purpose of emergence.

    Hank C., once you realize that Genesis 1-11 is literally true, there is no conflict – try starting with different presuppositions and it will all make sense.

    A.P. – You cannot prove, or even provide compelling evidence, that Genesis is literally true.

    Consider this:
    1) Something that does not make sense probably is not true.
    2) Eternal torture (or eternal abandonment) does not make sense, except to people who have completely abandoned their (godgiven?) conscience.
    3) The bible (depending upon your interpretation) advocates eternal torture for non-believers (which is the majority of the world).

    So, either the bible is not the literal word of God, or God is a psychotic bastard.

    You obviously prefer to believe that God is a psychotic bastard.
    I prefer to believe the bible is not the word of god, because I have a conscience.

  17. A.P. says:

    It seems that the folks who get the most bent out of shape when talking about Darwinian evolution are the ones most concerned with the philosohical and theological ramifications of the theory, not the science itself.

    Yes, humans are fallible, this is one of the strong messages of the Bible. So, evolution was concocted by fallible man. Science has made many blunders in the past, remember the theory of spontaneous generation? This seems ridiculous to us now, laughable, even, that people used to believe that. I truly believe that the Theory of Evolution will meet the same fate. Darwin himself said in his “Origin of Species” that “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down”. Well, this has been demonstrated, over and over again through the irreducibly complex machines at the cellular level. Evolution does not sufficiently explain the complexity of our interconnected biological systems.

    Lee Strobel’s “The Case for a Creator” is a good book for those who would like to examine the strong scientific evidence for a Creator. Also, check out the Discovery Institute, a secular think tank, at http://www.discovery.org. And, to tie it all together from the Christian perspective, see http://www.answersingenesis.org.

    And I’m sorry, Doctor Proctopus, but the bible does not “advocate” eternal torture or abandonment. It only speaks of the consequences of rejecting God. Why should God accept into His kingdom those who have rejected Him? Would you take into your house those who despise and persecute you? Would those same people who despise you even come into your house if you forgave them and invited them in? Not likely, because if they despise and persecute you, why would they even want to come into your house? When I read the Bible, I see God as righteous and just, but also merciful and forgiving, because though we have rejected Him and his statutes, he still invites us into His kingdom if we accept Him as Lord and ask Him to invite us in. Christ said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”, and “I am the way, the truth, and the life”, and “Love one another.” He speaks of love, mercy, and forgiveness to all those who ask for it. This is not advocation of eternal torture or abandonment. God does not reject or abandon anyone…it is humans who reject and abandon Him.

  18. Bernie Dunn says:

    For A.P.
    The score stands….Dr. Protopus….98
    and A.P…………………………………………….0
    A.P. It seems to be your devine mission to find soothing words to still try to raam the Jesus/God connection down our throats….if not through the passing of laws which dictate the rights over a woman’s body….or who may or may not “legally” fall in love……now you use this psudo-scientific theory to bring in your FIRE AND BRIMSTONE version of god into our public school system…..
    I WILL go as far as to say that there is direct comparison between the Islamic Taliban and the Christian Fundamentalist Movement….
    Both hate Gays…
    Both hate women’s rights over their own bodies….
    Both believe in the death penality….
    Both believe in a state religion……imposed against anyones objections……
    Both reject evolution…..
    and the list is endless….
    I do wish that I did possess the elequent metaphor displayed by Dr. Proctopus as he so expertly dissected your words…..and your beliefs…and did make mincemeat out of them…..
    In ending this….I’ll try to appeal to your sense of fair judgment….one which i think Dr. P. was refering to….
    You believe as you want to…..
    Do not impose those beliefs on others….
    Keep your religious beliefs at home…behind your own closed doors…
    Use your own beliefs to inspire your own daily deeds….hopefully good ones…
    Just don’t remind me every darn day who keeps inspiring you…..
    Keep your belief locked away in your heart….
    Do not impose it on our judicial system…..do not impose it on our public school system……do not impose it on our sacred CONSTITUTION through amendments against gays….against a woman’s right to choose….
    Keep it in your own heart….
    where it belongs….

  19. Tom Z. says:

    I just want to make one little comment about Bernie Dunn’s strong beliefs. You sound angry Bernie, and most don’t think clearly when they’re angry. You also say things like “Both hate gays”, which is untrue for Christians. As a Christian you understand that homosexuality is not what God wants for us. What if we all were that way? Not condoning something is not the same as hating someone. Everyone sins, there are NO exceptions. For this reason Jesus came to pay the penalty for us. Also, the thing you said about “a woman’s right to choose”… What about the childs rights? As a matter of fact, the child is not a part of the woman’s body. Maybe you’ve never heard of the “killer T cell”. Here’s an article on this subject, JUST FOR YOU!! 🙂


    It’s a sad thing, but people like yourself have been lied to your whole life. It’s time for you to do your own research. I suggest you start here: http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/qa.asp

    Those who believe in evolution are excellent at taking another’s word for something instead of actually researching it themselves. This is how you’re taught in a public school. You’re never given all of the details.

    Maybe you’ll start asking yourself some questions you never thought to ask, and that’s good.

    Awesome painting!!

    Romans 1:22,


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