Deep Throat Revealed — finally!!

Nick Jones, a friend of Christy’s whom I had known for three years, listened as I related a story about my father, an attorney who had begun his career in Rio during World War II by serving as an undercover F.B.I. agent. When talk turned to the allure and intrigue of Rio in the 40s, Nick mentioned that his grandfather, also a lawyer, had joined the bureau around that time and had gone on to become a career agent. “What’s his name?,” I asked.

“You may have heard of him,” he said. “He was a pretty senior guy in the F.B.I. — Mark Felt.

  1. AB CD says:

    Stephen Ambrose has previously said he was convinced there was no Deep Throat, because his publishing sources told him the first copy of All the President’s Men made no mention of him, and that the character was added at the request of the publisher.

  2. Fábio C. Martins says:

    The Washington Post and Bob Woodward confirmed the story, look the front page of their website.

  3. AB CD says:

    Nevertheless, John Dean has shown some solid inconsistencies between Mark Felt as Deep Throat and Woodward’s book. In the book, there are specific mentions of executive branch sources, from inside the White House, etc. Also that the FBI has no idea about such and such. Perhaps Woodward was just covering for Felt with false information. In which case, the college classes that tried to investigate a few years back had no chance. They had concluded Pat Buchanan or Fred Fielding.

  4. Pat says:

    I could have gone on to my grave not knowing who Deep Throat is without losing any sleep. Now that he has reveled himself, I say “Good for you, sir”.

    Whatever the inconsistencies, contradictions, or denials by others, The Washington Post had information from a well placed individual. That information brought down a corrupt President and some of those who aided him. That the individual was actually such a high placed individual within the FBI, speaks even more about the Nixon Administration’s rot.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Um… Wich Deep Throat came first? The one from the Watergate scandal or the porn movie?

  6. site admin says:

    The movie

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Thanks for the info, IMO that’s one of the best movie of it’s genre.


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