Court Victory — The fellow got close to US$500 as damages for a spam message. Hopefully this won’t get sidetracked by some reverse scam whereby people anonymously place themselves on legitimate email lists and then sue.

Three years ago the EU passed an anti-spam law – the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications – which gave individuals the right to fight the growing number of unwanted e-mail by allowing them to claim damages.

When Mr Roberts, 37, received unwanted e-mail adverts for a contract car firm and a fax broadcasting business, he took action. He said: “The new law gives anyone who is spammed the right to seek damages against the originators of the unwanted e-mail, fax or text message.

  1. jasontheodd says:

    frigging brilliant! With the spam I get I’ll be a millionare. My blog spam alone will put the kids through school.

  2. panos says:

    “Pathetic European Attack on Google and the Net”

    You sometimes seem like you are not thinkning things through. Ypu just lost one european reader.

  3. site admin says:

    post correctly!


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