As species branch off along evolutionary lines, important genetic traits, like the rate of molecular evolution also begin to diverge. They found that the speed of this molecular clock in humans and chimps is so similar, it suggests that certain human-specific traits, like generation time, began to evolve one million years ago – very recently in terms of evolution. The amount of time between parents and offspring is longer in humans than apes. Since a long generation time is closely correlated with the evolution of a big brain, it also suggests that developmental changes specific to humans may also have evolved very recently.

In a large-scale genetic analysis of approximately 63 million base pairs of DNA, the scientists studied the rate at which the base pairs that define the differences between species were incorrectly paired due to errors in the genetic encoding process, an occurrence known as substitution.

“For the first time, we’ve shown that the difference in the rate of molecular evolution between humans and chimpanzees is very small, but significant, suggesting that the evolution of human-specific life history traits is very recent,” said Yi.

Just another of the dazzling bits of knowledge growing from computational analysis. Still, it provokes the wry sense tnat is part of my name and history to ask if we need an additional differentiation between politicians and their closest relatives? Like maybe baboons?

  1. RTaylor says:

    Chimps the world over are thinking, “Viva le difference “.

  2. Miguel Correia says:

    C’est “la différence”, mon ami… even chimps would actually know how to say it right, for “différence” in French is a feminine word.

    Best regards from Europe.

  3. RocRizzo says:

    Here it is Christopher…
    We need look no further than the White House for evidence of the Chimpanzee/Human link!

    Can’t say you didn’t ask for it!

  4. RTaylor says:

    Miguel , sorry if I offended. I can never remember the code for accent acute and my French gender and vocabulary lessons is now 30 year old and counting. Rack it up to anglo-centric ignorant Americans.

  5. Miguel Correia says:


    No offense taken. Check out my post at to see my view of the American people. The world is not black and white, us or them, right or wrong, we’re ignorants or they’re ignorants, etc., etc.


  6. A Hoosier says:


    I agree with RT on this. I too am very rusty with my French and having heard the same phrase so many times would have repeated it the same way. It is just my ignorance of correct language use.

    Thank you for reminding me NOT to use French. It just might offend someone. Just to add though, it is very difficult to use accents with American keyboards.


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