[Worth reposting to top — editor]

This has got be a a lot of sick fun, American style. Although this is a day of automatic weapon shooting, note how we still cannot resist blowing things up!

I wonder what this little girl will be like when she’s in high school? I wouldn’t want to steal her lunch money, that’s for sure.

found by Paul Theodoropoulos

  1. Stu Mulne says:

    Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it….

    And nobody got killed, or hurt, or mugged, or raped, or….

    Having the little girl there is a little itchy, but you’d take her to the batting cages, or to watch a football game.

    (Note the responsible use of eye and ear protection, too.)

    Civilian ownership of these guns has been legislated almost out of existence since 1934. The number of these guns used in crimes since then is statistically zero.

    They’re also hilariously expensive to shoot even if you can afford to buy one. But they’re fun….

  2. RTaylor says:

    A friend went to some place around Vegas and blew several hundred bucks shooting automatic weapons. He might have well as dropped it there than the slots and poker machines

  3. WTL says:

    As much fun as that looks like.. I don’t know if I would want a young child doing that. But, I’m not her father.

    It is probably better off that I don’t have that kind of access to automatic weapons. Afterall, I play GTA Vice City and I might go on some kind of killing rampage, because I can not tell the difference between reality and a video game.

  4. Pat says:

    $1.25 / round in bulk, times 1000 rounds / minute = a very expensive outing.

    Now that field will forever be a brown-field. All that lead will prevent it from being used for any productive purpose. Oh, I forgot, shooting MORE lead into the soil is a useful endeavor.

  5. Thomas says:

    Actually, that little girl will have more to fear from the lessons of her dad’s obesity than she will from the use of firearms. People in this country seem to easily forget history and give so little credit to children. During the early part of this country’s history, it was quite common for children about her age to learn to use firearms. Boys in their pre-teens would go hunting with their fathers. My sister and I learned to shoot a rifle when we were not much older than her. My father learned from his father when he was about her age. If people actually taught their kids to use firearms at an early age, they wouldn’t find curiosity in “that gun that dad has” and will be less inclined to try to play with it. When I was in my teens, my father and many of his friends and their families would go out to the desert in California on a shooting spree similar to this one albeit on a substantially smaller scale (No car targets, explosions or automatic weapons). It was a family event similar to what this video where kids learned about how to safely use firearms and everyone got to shoot other people’s toys. Everyone watched everyone’s kids and ensured that safety was maintained.

    I will say that just the rounds fired during the video much less the entire day would be a small fortune.

  6. site admin says:

    Uh, Stu, who EXACTLY is knocking it? Specifically.

  7. Miguel says:

    I can never help but be amazed by the sheer ammount of destruction tiny bits of lead travelling at very high speeds can cause…

  8. Awake says:

    I saw this somewhere else before.

    Not impressed at all, but I guess that this is some people’s idea of entertainment.

    a) It takes ZERO skill to shoot guns like that. No skill at all. NONE. It takes more skill to be play a shoot-em-up video game… nothing is shooting back. Behaving like you are a badass just because you own a gun and can pull a trigger means nothing. Paintball is much more of a challenge… see how long ny of those redneck fools survive in a Military-Ops style Paintball round.

    b) The vehicles and targets are rigged with explosives and mostly remote control detonated because the aim is too bad and the distance too great to do any real damage. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the participants are actually blowing anything up, because they aren’t… if they are hiiting anything, it buy sheer quantity of rounds headed in the general direction.

    There is only one type of gun user that is worthy of respect: the military sniper. Covert approach, target discrimination, one shot to kill… that takes great skill… but the guy holding 2 Mac-10’s and unloading them without aiming at anything? He might as well just fart and produce an equally effective noise.

  9. rus62 says:

    Lara Croft: Tomb Raider!

  10. Bob says:

    Who cares about skill or if they are rigged. People like noise and fire. Heck, there are holidays all around the world dedicated to big bangs and fire. Kinda funny when you think about it… all the technology in the world and we would still be distracted by somthing like this.

  11. Floyd says:

    As a vet, I can tell you that it does take some skill to shoot an M16 effectively on the firing range. I also shot a few rounds with an M60–some skill is needed, and they do teach you a few tricks to make your shooting more effective. We had fun shooting barrels of water with the rounds, which sends the water high in the air–very impressive.

    I was fortunate in my time in the Army, and didn’t have to use my training in battle, so I don’t have any idea how effective the training really was.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    I find it interesting that the video shows mostly down-range footage. It is the firing line where the show is taking place i.e. full-auto Glocks, etc.

    Several years ago, I stumbled across a copy of “Firepower: The magazine of the American Firepower Association” on a news-stand.

    It had coverage of their annual shoot. My god. 🙂

    The firing line had just about every make/model of automatic weapon made. Sweet! And that was just the small-arms.

    One guy brought a half-track in on a flat -bead trailer. He drove the half-track up to the line – with three different WW2 machine guns mounted on the rail/pintel mounts in the back.

    One guy had a quad-50.cal AA mount. Another had a dual-50.cal mount from a PT-boat – mounted in the back of his pickup.

    What really impressed me was the guy who had a pair of 7.62-mm GE miniguns [I didn’t even know it was legal to own something like that] on a custom side-by-side mount – with a big circular aiming-circle mounted in-between them. 🙂 [I believe he also had a couple of batteries to power the electric motors]

    He was quoted in the article as saying he spent all year loading ammo for those guns, and would burn through it during the first day of their annual shoot.

    Somebody at this shoot must have had a mini-gun. Check the video from 1:46 to 1:56 – and note that continuous “buzz”.

    Funny what you can find on Google: Airsoft miniguns!


  13. Mike Voice says:

    A couple of videos on how a minigun loads/fires/ejects. Also how a 50.cal machine gun fires.


  14. david says:

    People who use guns are people of lower intelligence. They are closer to animal than they are to God.

    That man is not teaching his daughter to fire a gun, he is teaching her how to DESTROY.

    Haven’t we seen enough destruction already? He should be teaching her how to play a musical instrument so that she can CREATE.

    Guns have no purpose except to EMPOWER a user. Seek power in other forms. Guns are for losers. Guns are for the poor and weak. You want power you coward? Go out and try to impress someone by getting an education. Go out and try to create something new for humanity instead of brandishing power that serves no other purpose but to DESTROY.

    It always amazes me how men who carry guns and posture themselves to be manly are so afraid to approach a beautiful, intelligent woman in a bar.It is not the size of the barrel that matters. Put down your weapons. Open your hearts.


  15. Joao says:

    I´m not american, so I can only undestand partially this.
    But I find it funny that this post has the highest number of paricipants, and somewhere along the line people are swapping Url´s about guns and are raving about electric mini-guns.

    I´ve been to the military service and fired my two or three clips of G3 semi automatic rifle, and some Walter ppk bullets and that´s it. And attended one or two live ammo exercises. I tell you, I´d rather not have to deal with guns anymore. These toys are scary. Just the sheer power you have with one of those in the hand, and the human inclination to make mistakes makes me wonder.
    When I was in the firing range, with military instructors oversseing the shooting, some dumb guys would just turned the guns to you saying: “hey, is this jammed?”. The amount of human stupidity is mind-blowing (sometimes all too literally…).
    So, to wrap this up, I´m glad I don´t live in a country that has such a craze about firearms, so I can live my life without having to fire one….

  16. Pat says:

    For all those that agree,…oh. and, perhaps you missed it – the whole idea of that day is quite obviously to have FUN.

    Last week there was an item about three youths in Florida who thought they would just have fun and went around with ball bats beating homeless men. They thought it was just fun too.

    Then there is the “Jackass” movie. Some thought that was just fun too.

    I now realize that you don’t need any intelligence to have fun.

    I implore all to re-read #11 Awake and #20 David’s posts. Of all the posts here (excepting mine of course), they alone have some thought out reasoning behind them. Most of the other posts show some mass hysteria about “gee what fun it is to shoot things up”. It all becomes so impersonal. Impersonal that is until it is live body in front of the gun. Impersonal when there is no respect for what you have in your hands.

    And there is a difference being being trained to shoot weapons in the military and just hacking away for fun like these yahoos are doing. As for your constitutional right to bear arms, with that goes the obligation to be responsible with them. There is also your constitutional right to be an asshole too, so I guess you CAN have it both ways. If you feel there is a need to protect our country in case of invasion, then join the army. They need warm bodies, intelligence required, but they might make an exception in your case.

    As for learning about guns when you live in the country, fine. Teach children at an early age to respect weapons. Teach them the destructive power that high velocity weapons can do. Teach them what can happen when you are not careful. But for God’s sake, don’t teach them a 50 caliber Barret, an Uzi, or a Mac 10 make good deer rifles. Only assholes do that.

    My apologies to all those who are offended by my use of certain language

  17. Bob says:

    David, grow up.

    You are worst then most gun owners I know. I love big explosions and fire but I am strictly against violence (oh, i think I heard a universe just implode). You on the other had call for people to “KILL ALL GUN OWNERS!” So, between us, who is the beter humanitarian. The one who like senseless destruction without anyone getting hurt (Well, a few bruised shoulders and maybe a cut forehead or two from the scope) or the person who calls for the death of others because they are having harmeless fun.

    Also, the idea that “People who use guns are people of lower intelligence” is made in grave error. I belong to a rocketry club where more then a few are hunters and most own a gun. Of them, many are great at physics, chemestry and problem solving. Are you saying that these people are of lower intelegence?

  18. Hum, John I thought you love the constitution, you are saying in many posts that Bush is violating the constitution. So what is so bad about the second admendment. Or is the constitution only the parts you like and the way you want it interperted? John you are showing you are being a bit hyicritical here.

  19. Eideard says:

    It’s a stretch worthy of sub-intelligent design to connect John’s video to an attack on the 2nd amendment.

  20. site admin says:

    MIchael, I have no idea what you are trying to say. I didn’t even metnion the second amendment. And if I had the chance to shoot up a hillside of junk like that, I’d do it myself (if someone else bought the bullets). You’re making no sense at all. DO you read weird constitutional attacks in everything you see? Geez.

  21. Paul C says:

    A gun is a tool, just like a hammer or a chainsaw.

    I used to be all for super-strict gun control until I actually learned how to use one properly. A close reading of the 2nd amendment is required too.

    In an age of ‘homeland security’ and almost unlimited presidential powers maybe it’s not such a bad idea that they’re still legal in this country. Hitler used gun control in the 30’s to ensure no resistance. Jewish veterans of WW1 were even disarmed of ceremonial sabres and knives.


  22. Scott says:

    It’s amazing how anyone using a gun is automatically headed for trouble or will turn out wrong in the eyes of so many. Political correctness really has taken its toll. I’ll bet most of you scoff at the idea that video games turn kids into criminals yet you think shooting guns at a range will.

    Personally I find shooting guns relaxing. It takes concentration and focus and you can put everything else out of your mind. It takes eye hand coordination and the ability to learn to handle different guns with different loads, etc. It’s fun. And all you cowards who think people turn evil the moment they get into shooting are just ignorant.

    Political correctness is SUPPOSED to be having an open mind towards those who are in some way different, including their interests and beliefs. Instead it allows for condemning those who think differently. Race and sexual preferences are the only accepted variables by the politically correct. Lemmings.

  23. Mike Voice says:

    If you feel there is a need to protect our country in case of invasion, then join the army.

    Yeah, so you can protect our country from invasion while being stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan.


    There are lots of full-auto weapons out there, but you don’t read about them being used to hold-up a liquor store, do you?

    Does the average bank robber wheel a minigun to the teller window?

    The people in the video understand the destructive capabilities of those weapons exactly because they see it demonstrated on a regular basis.

  24. Pat says:

    There are lots of full-auto weapons out there, but you don’t read about them being used to hold-up a liquor store, do you?

    Last week some criminal types got into a shoot out with police in Texas. And yes they used full automatic weapons while covering their smuggling buddies cross the Rio Grande.

    Personally I find shooting guns relaxing. It takes concentration and focus and you can put everything else out of your mind. It takes eye hand coordination and the ability to learn to handle different guns with different loads, etc. It’s fun. And all you cowards who think people turn evil the moment they get into shooting are just ignorant.

    Just like all those people just blazing away willy nilly at targets too far away to aim at. The guy firing twin auto-pistols at waist height was sure taking his time to aim. Anyone could see by the amount of dirt kicked up how many shots were hitting their targets. They were sure trying hard to be responsible.

    Cars have no purpose except to “empower” a user

    Wrong. A car is a mode of transportation designed to move people and goods from point A to point B. Occasionally they may be used incorrectly and people get hurt, but that is not their intended use.

    Chainsaws have no use except to “empower” a user.

    Wrong. A chainsaw was designed to fell trees and cut large limbs. A very dangerous tool, it should only be used by trained people.

    Perhaps we should ban baseball bats? Perhaps we should not let kids play with baseball bats until they are in their teens?

    A baseball bat is designed to be used in a game. In short, it is a wooden club with peaceful intentions. If such a club scares you then I would suggest you stay away from ALL baseball games. If you get uncontrollable urges when holding a baseball bat, then maybe professional help is in order.

    You are worst then most gun owners I know. I love big explosions and fire but I am strictly against violence

    Yup, that explains a lot. You might want to see a professional about your love of big explosions and fire before Homeland Insecurity visits you.

    I would bet that many of the people at this event were ex-military.

    Maybe some were. I imagine though that any VETERAN would not really want to be a part of this. A veteran that has seen what weapons can do to a body. I doubt that many who have trained on these weapons would treat them so cavalierly. The cooks, truck drivers, and clerks might find it an exciting exercise though.

    In an age of ‘homeland security’ and almost unlimited presidential powers maybe it’s not such a bad idea that they’re still legal in this country.

    Hey buddy, guess what? While you might have some M-16s, the government has F-16s. You can tear around in your Jeep CJs, they have M1A1 Abrams Tanks. They have Bradley Fighting Vehicles. They have Apache Helicopters. They have bullet resistant vests. They have Drone Aircraft sneaking up on you. They have M-60s. They have fragmentation grenades. They have a thousand other types of weapons all bigger then your Mac 10, or Glock, or M-16.

    And my last question to all those that love firing guns like in this video. Do you wear baggy pants so your erection doesn’t show?

  25. Pat says:

    Michael P. O\’Connor

    There is an old poster about “Put brain in gear before engaging mouth”. I didn’t write it, but I find it better then flapping off about something I know nothing about.

  26. eric the horrible says:

    I’ve been a competition shooter since I graduated basic training over 20 years ago. Over the years I’ve had the privilege of introducing many new people to the sport, women, men and youths. Without exception, those that have chosen to continue in the sport have been safe and courteous shooters. However shooting is not for everyone. Some have fear or the feeling of revulsion at holding a potential weapon that cannot be overcome. I would submit to those that have never fired a live gun (and will not due to the afore mentioned fear and/or revulsion) Any thing can be made into a weapon if a person is so inclined. In the hands of safe, sane, well trained shooters a firearm is a tool just like a hockey stick or a football. I would admonish those that choose not to participate by saying: It’s ok to knock it, but don’t you dare think you can keep me from trying it.

  27. Mike Drips says:

    “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
    -Thomas Jefferson

    and ….

    “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest.” — Mahatma Gandhi

  28. Thomas says:

    RE: “Empowerment’

    > Wrong. A car is a mode of transportation designed to move
    > people and goods from point A to point B. Occasionally they
    > may be used incorrectly and people get hurt, but that is
    > not their intended use.
    >A chainsaw was designed to fell trees and cut large
    > limbs. A very dangerous tool, it should only be used by
    > trained people.

    You clearly did not understand my response. ALL tools “empower” the user in some way or they aren’t useful. Guns are tools that have a purpose in society as do automobiles and chainsaws. Guns are used for hunting, general recreation (target shooting and such) and protection. Guns, like chainsaws and automobiles, require proper training in order to be used safely.

    > A baseball bat is designed to be used in a game. In short,
    > it is a wooden club with peaceful intentions. …

    Unsurprisingly, you against missed the point. Like ALL tools a baseball bat can be abused. Like ALL tools it requires proper training and instruction to allow children to use that tool for its intended purpose in a safe manner. Guns are no different.

    > imagine though that any VETERAN would not really want to be
    > a part of this. A veteran that has seen what weapons can do
    > to a body. I doubt that many who have trained on these
    > weapons would treat them so cavalierly. The cooks, truck
    > drivers, and clerks might find it an exciting exercise
    > though.

    You clearly do not know many veterans. Coming from a family with a long history of military service and knowing many people both in and out of the military I do not believe I have met one military person that did not enjoy shooting firearms (cleaning firearms is a different story ;->).

    IMO, “cavalier” implies negligent or unsafe and I saw nothing of that in this video. All people were wearing proper eye and ear protection and were safely behind a firing line.

    > Hey buddy, guess what? While you might have some M-16s, the
    > government has F-16s. You can tear around in your Jeep CJs,
    > they have M1A1 Abrams Tanks…

    This is another incredibly ignorant response from someone that obviously knows absolutely nothing about how the military operates. Technically, the government could nuke the entire area and kill everyone. If, on the other hand, the military wants to control an area without completely eradicating the population, it is SUBSTANTIALLY more difficult against an armed civilian population even if they only have handguns. Even with body armor, Abrams, Apaches, A-10s and the like, it would be exponentially more costly in terms of lives, time and resources to subdue a country where the civilian population was armed.

  29. Eideard says:

    Like Iraq.

  30. Mike Voice says:

    Last week some criminal types got into a shoot out with police in Texas. And yes they used full automatic weapons while covering their smuggling buddies cross the Rio Grande

    I mention robbing liquor stores, and you equate that to para-military groups protecting cross-border drug smugglers?

    Come on, Pat.

    If you had referenced the “North Hollywood Shootout” of 1997, you would have had a stronger argument:


    But, you would still have the dearth of similar examples relative to the vast number of these weapons that have been in civilian hands for decades.



    Again in Targeting Guns, Kleck writes, four police officers were killed in the line of duty by machine guns from 1983 to 1992. (713 law enforcement officers were killed during that period, 651 with guns.)

    In 1980, when Miami’s homicide rate was at an all-time high, less than 1% of all homicides involved machine guns. (Miami was supposedly a “machine gun Mecca” and drug trafficking capital of the U.S.) Although there are no national figures to compare to, machine gun deaths were probably lower elsewhere. Kleck cites several examples:

    * Of 2,200 guns recovered by Minneapolis police (1987-1989), not one was fully automatic.

    * A total of 420 weapons, including 375 guns, were seized during drug warrant executions and arrests by the Metropolitan Area Narcotics Squad (Will and Grundie counties in the Chicago metropolitan area, 1980-1989). None of the guns was a machine gun.

    * 16 of 2,359 (0.7%) of the guns seized in the Detroit area (1991-1992) in connection with “the investigation of narcotics trafficking operations” were machine guns.


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