I uncovered what might be a pic of the Microsoft Origami device.

I hear it does handwriting recognition too.

  1. Nathan says:

    isnt that the newton?

  2. aaron says:

    yes retards i know it’s a joke, let’s just bag it out a little bit more. this is so retarded, why would microsoft put an ie for MAC icon on the front of their new device that has a STATE OF THE ART b&w lcd screen on

  3. Mozart says:

    cool! i hope it can do tetris!

  4. Alphgeek says:

    Re the Photoshop comments…that kind of drivel is rife on Digg which, thanks to the TWIT connection, pops into Dvorak. The Digg crowd is kind of lowest-common-denominator unfortunately.

    Someone could post a pic of the sun rising in the morning and some moron will immediately post ‘woh bad PS job FAKE NO DIGG—-‘

  5. andrews says:

    I love John’s sarcasm

  6. James Hill says:

    As of this post there were 38 posts prior. For a device that isn’t as cutting edge as M$ would like us to believe, they sure have one hell of a viral marketing campaign behind it.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    … the quality of your readers sucks!!!

    There’s got to be a good line for a site t-shirt in there, somewhere…

    Maybe a new masthead:

    “Dvorak Uncensored, my readers sUcK!!!”


    “Dvorak Uncensored, no clue required!” 🙂

  8. Al says:

    Does it have a $99 leather case?


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