In the April issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, Brazilian researchers conduct the first controlled scientific study on the effects of combining alcohol with Red Bull®. Results show a considerable disconnect between subjects’ perceptions and objective measures of their abilities: although combined use reduces the sensation of tiredness and sleepiness, actual capabilities are significantly impaired.

Compared to the ingestion of alcohol alone, the combined ingestion of alcohol and Red Bull® significantly reduced the subjects’ perception of headache, weakness, dry mouth and impairment of motor coordination. Red Bull® did not, however, significantly reduce deficits caused by alcohol on objective measures of motor coordination and visual reaction time.

“There are two key points,” said Souza-Formigoni. “Although combined ingestion decreases the sensation of tiredness and sleepiness, objective measures of motor coordination showed that it cannot reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on motor coordination. In other words, the person is drunk but does not feel as drunk as he really is. The second important point is that many users reported using energy drinks to reduce a not-so-pleasant taste of alcoholic beverages, which could dangerously increase the amount (as well as the speed of ingestion) of alcoholic beverages.”

“The implications of these findings,” added Boerngen, “are that this association of alcohol and energy drinks is harmful rather than beneficial, as believed by consumers. Especially because those individuals who combine alcohol and energy drinks, believing they are less impaired than reality would indicate, are actually at an increased risk for problems such as automobile accidents.”

iDrink lists 151 recipes using Red Bull.

  1. Rick says:

    Isn’t this a re-hash (or logical equivalent) of the “wide awake drunk” that you sober up with coffee?

  2. Rick says:

    Reminds me of the horrific over-the-counter speedball of going to work sick, taking Nyquil, and counterbalancing it with coffee…man, that’ll make you miss your exit…if yo know what I mean. And, it ain’t specifically a good thing.

  3. Martin says:

    So what the study says is that it does exactly what I thought it should do: keep me able to dance all night and talk to that cute girl in the corner.

    We all know that alchool and driving is big no no, whatever you mix with it.

  4. Emil says:

    Red Bull Vodka is my fav! Damn it’s soooo good.

  5. Mike says:

    shit mixed with shit.

    just give me a pint of yuengling.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Drink what you will, but remember, you are still responsible for whatever you do.

  7. belle says:

    before doing it..why not try to reseach what is the component of red bull and vodka so you will now if it beneficial or not! if the components will have a good combination or it may produces new chemical which coulnd harm you!

  8. Well this combination is highly dangerous. I’ve been trying to avoid it since I’ve heard it, because indeed it tastes great! And it was one of my favorite drinks, but now I prefer simple water.


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