Light-Up Clothes and Costumes By Enlighted Designs — We all knew this was coming, didn’t we?

OK all you men out there (99-percent of the blog readers from what I can tell). I found the perfect gift for your spouses and girlfriends. I can’t imagine a woman that doesn’t want a “light-up bra.” Can you? Welcome to the future of “look at me!” attire.

found by Robert Dybas

  1. rwilliams254 says:

    What a great screensaver!

  2. SN says:

    Why do we wear a pair of pants but only one bra?!

  3. blank says:

    Why do we park in a drive-way but drive in a park-way?

  4. Hey Now!
    just do away with the bras all the way and put some smiley faces on 🙂

  5. RTaylor says:

    It reminds me of those old time strippers that had twirling propellers or windmill blades on their bras. Those gals had to have decent sized nacelles to handle the horsepower.

  6. kzoodata says:

    Sorry, this is just silly. I don’t need lighted signs pointing the way; I have my own diving rod (nyuck). Besides the embarrassment of getting booby-burn. And if she wears a coat, talk about hiding your light under a bushel. Bwaahhahah. Like glow-in-the-dark condoms, this is a flash-in-the-pan. Heee.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    OR we can use those glowing bra’s on the totally wasted guy during the office’s Xmas party and take pictures of him *evil grin*

  8. stalinvlad says:

    What if it lights up their knees?

  9. John Wofford says:

    Santa could retire Rudolph, if only Mz Clause could see the light.

  10. Hal Jordan says:

    This will give new meaning to the tag “red light district”

  11. krisp2e says:

    I saw Heidi Klum wore this one in Victoria Secret Fashion show! Hot!!

  12. I suspect that a lightup genitalia outline garment worn under one’s clothes would be a lot more spectacular and fascinating.
    – Precision Blogger

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    I just realised one thing: Electricity and wet T-shirt contests don’t mix 🙁

  14. mike cannalli says:

    How about a matching illuminated condom for him. Maybe for the well endowed it can have scrolling text like on the side of the Goodyear blimp?
    It brings to mind a whole new meaning for the term “Flasher”.

  15. mike cannalli says:

    D cups run on D cells
    C cups run on C cells I presume?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:


    next comes “AA” and then “AAA”


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