
  1. axe says:

    It is a nice paint job. Did the insurance rates go up?

  2. Joe says:

    I’ve seen similar advertisements, but on the sides of buses.. It’s a little freaky because for a second you think a HUGE car pulled up beside you. I’m surprised they haven’t caused an accident yet.

  3. site admin says:

    Joe, get pics!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Wasn’t this on Uncle Joe’s Blog two weeks ago?

    But it is still pretty interesting and a heck of a paint job.

  5. axe says:

    You’re pushing it aren’t you Fusion

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Does this means that the driver is a big prick too?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:


    Hey, c’mon, it is a heck of a paint job.

    I’m going to try to talk the wife into doing something like that with the Dodge Caravan. Shoot, I’ll need to get some aluminum wheels though. Hey, what about a red “Vette on the right side and a rusty 74 Pinto on the left side. It’ll wow the chicks on the sidewalk but not draw police attention.

  8. axe says:

    Fusion look at the first post. I did say it was good paint job. I was referring to your first line comment in #4. Don’t do the Pinto, it might explode.

    #7 – Angel: it just could be.


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