Ah, were it that simple!

At least someone has a sense of humor.

Found by Richard Meyer

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    OMFG! Would that be evidence that Republicans are capable of achieving orgasm?

  2. Vinny says:

    He’d have to lie in a grand jury about it, also.

  3. FARTaLOT says:

    THAT is classic! Is that a real sign someone had, or photoshopped? Reguardless that’s great!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    When you don’t care if you have less then 40% of Americans supporting you, people can say what they will.

  5. BobH says:

    A tip of the hat to Fibonacci Poems…

    W won’t dare.
    It’s quite sad really.
    Religion vs Ms Meyers’ lips.

  6. ECA says:

    40% of WHO???
    Demo’s, repub’s???
    I REALLy dont think that counts EVERYONE, it would be down to about 13%… sence 2/3’s of the US dont vote.

    Someone give him an IQ test…PLEASE…see if he knows the location of the US capital.

  7. Milo says:

    “He’d have to lie in a grand jury about it, also.”

    After all he’s told the truth about everything so far!

  8. Steve says:

    I love the sign but while people hate Bush, its really congress that needs to get F’ed up. The president is nothing w/o these looser really causing the probems. Stop blaming the president, and start voting out your local guy that sucks just as bad a Bush.

  9. axe says:

    Angel: Ask James Carville’s wife?

  10. RTaylor says:

    The country voted first for a good ol’ boy that would take care of the economy and keep middle America prosperous. The second time they voted for someone that would keep them safe from all harm and defeat evil. I would venture the thought that the majority of the voters in this country needs tender parts polished, not just one man.

  11. gquaglia says:

    “Someone give him an IQ test…PLEASE…see if he knows the location of the US capital.”

    Don’t mistake his lack of slickness when giving speeches, for stupidity. He got elected didn’t he (twice). Stupid morons don’t get to the highest office, even though they may come across as such. Some are very good at slinging shit so good that you don’t even know its shit (Clinton).

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    14 Some are very good at slinging shit so good that you don’t even know its shit (Clinton).

    That was pretty good. It only took until the 14th post to blame Clinton.

  13. BgScryAnml says:

    No Habla Inglis!

  14. gquaglia says:

    Mr Fusion, all pols sling shit. My point was that some are better then others, which was in Clinton’s case. He was no better then Bush, but made you feel good about it.

  15. Duffy says:

    Love it.

  16. Don Marsh says:

    You Bush Bashers are so cute! hahahahahahahahaha

  17. Mr. Fusion says:


    Well maybe all politicians in the Republican party sling shit, but I have it on good authority that Democrats PROPEL poop. To many, it is just a subtle difference, but still, it is something that does differentiate Democrats and Republicans.

  18. John Wofford says:

    And why, I wonder, did it take fourteen post before Clinton’s name came up? The sign clearly refered to his unique situation while in office.

  19. joshua says:

    I think the sign is really funny. Someone has a great sense of humour.

  20. ECA says:

    We voted to elect someone that WAS like us…but soon found out he has OTHERS moving his lips…Just the Lip sync dont match, or he cant read his OWN crib notes.
    considering that there are only 1/3 of the US is REGISTEREd as Demo or republican…and ONLY 1/3 of the US voted….What can we say?

    vote for Daffy duck…At LEAST we if he gets enough votes, we know…
    we are being counted.
    What daffy will do in office…
    And they will know we are pissed.

    sorry to say, but I didnt vote(as if that would have helped), And there wasnt a BOX that said…NONE OF THE ABOVE… And REALLY didnt want to vote for the Neo nazi environmentalists(yes, there is a group).

  21. Me says:

    Liberals are so worried about how everything is sending the world to hell that it’s really refreshing to see one that has a sense of humor. At last a protest sign that’s worth looking at.


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