The web is getting hot and sweaty again, and the dollars are flying almost as fast as the bullshit. Time for an update of the great and glorious Web Economy Bullshit Generator for Web 2.0.

Time to go to and try the fabulous Web 2.0 Bullshit Generator.

Tom O’Reilly’s site pointed this critter out.

  1. Gig says:

    Is this what TWIT uses for show scripts?

  2. Max Bell says:

    … I’m two-point-oh for my shirt, two-point-oh for my shirt…

    Actually, I’m installing XP on a P3 laptop, which is why I have so much time on my hands this morning… Afternoon, evening, general time of day.

  3. nilidsid says:

    No, wait!

    1) Create a patent generator.
    2) Patent the patent generator.
    3) Claim that any patents generated by the patent generator are also covered by the patent for the patent generator.
    4) Sue everyone.

  4. Miguel Correia says:

    Oh, and I though the expression Web 2.0 was bullshit enough even without the need of a generator. he he he

  5. ken ehrman says:

    #3 you are mad genius, too bad for you i hold the patent on the idea of patent generation, expect a call from my attorneys post haste


  6. Alex M says:

    “The web is getting hot and sweaty again, and the dollars are flying almost as fast as the bs.”
    Beleive it or not – but there are technology lawyers out there specializing in broadening up the scope of any patent to cover everything and anything. Scam goes like this – you show up with perfectly valid patent documentation and they mangle it to cover pretty much anything you can
    think of. Then instead of developing the product you shop the patent
    around… (Price tag : 50,000$)


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