The backstory on this horrible motivational video resume is that this is being passed around Wall Street as kind of the financial ciommunity’s equivalent of the fat kid pretending to be in a laser-sword fight in his room. I have a hard time not believing this isn’t a hoax similar to the LonelyGirl vids. It’s so bad that the guy might get some mileage from it. Of course that still will not negate the fact that this guy is one pretentious jerk.

found by John Ligums

  1. Paul says:

    Dwight Schrute is that you?

  2. 0113addiv says:

    True. Believing is everything. But why aim at merely being a great man? I’ve set myself to be God. I really, truly believe that I AM the Creator of the Universe. All of you are just people I programmed into this Dream so that I could one day gather enough clues to remember that I AM.

    Readers of the world. I AM. I am your Creator. This, I am starting to remember.

    [ed: David, how do you go from genius to psycho so easily? This is genius. Psycho awaits.]

  3. Mark says:

    Wow, that was so boring I stopped watching it.

  4. TJGeezer says:

    “If you’re going to work, work. If you’re going to dance, dance.” If you’re going to deliver motivational lectures, take a public speaking course.

  5. Miguel says:

    Of course it’s a hoax, but it’s not different from the motivational videos were forced to watch at US multinationals… The only exception is the humoristic detail that he’s great at tennis, dancing and karate…

    Now, what IS success? What’s with it that our society is so obsessed with it? OK, success is working harder to make your boss richer.

    For me, success is having time to read, listen to music, watch some good music, play with my cats, and one day have a family… Not having to work would be a good measure of ‘success’…

    And I *know* I’m not God…

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    he’s also a member of Hair Club for Men.

  7. Froggmann says:

    *Zzzzzzzzz* *short* *ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz* huh? wha? where am I? The last thing I know is I was watching a motovational video and then I was dancing with a hot chick, playing tennis, and breaking bricks. Huh? That was the video? Oh sorry I must have been sleeping with my eyes open again. Oh well, back to the cube to get another 3 hours of paid nap time. Hey, can I get an audio tape of that “Motovational” guy’s voice? He’s definately motovational for one thing…. sleeping.

  8. stew says:

    Im moved ;>)

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, he made my bowels move.

  10. #3 you need to watch the very end — the credits. Just move the bar forward.

  11. Miguel Correia says:

    I was having insomnia. Thanks!

  12. Mark says:

    I’d like to punch him.

  13. Zak says:

    I think this guy is an illegal alien, can we deport his Russky Butt?

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Success is not just saying the ambiguous platitude.
    Success is believing the ambiguous platitude.

  15. ChrisMac says:

    This video has been removed due to copyright infringement.

    did anyone save it? i didn’t get to see it

  16. Sigh…I guess it was real then. A shame it’s gone. Double-proof that the guys is kinda whacked out.

  17. Miguel says:

    Even being real… does anyone miss it?…

  18. 0113addiv says:

    #1. “[ed: David, how do you go from genius to psycho so easily? This is genius. Psycho awaits.] ”

    It has to due with the dual nature of light.

  19. Brian says:

    “this video is no longer available”


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