An old, well-seasoned French UFO

The French space agency is to publish its archive of UFO sightings and other phenomena online, but will keep the names of those who reported them off the site to protect them from pestering by space fanatics.

He said the CNES had been collecting statements and documents for almost 30 years to archive and study them.

“Often they are made to the Gendarmerie, which provides an official witness statement … and some come from airline pilots,” he said by telephone.

Advances in technology over the past three decades had prompted the decision to put the archive online, he said, adding it would likely be available via the CNES website.

Do they have an Area Cinquante et Un?

  1. James Hill says:

    Does anyone know of any studies done against these UFO sighting archives that indicate patterns in reports?

    An individual report means nothing, but groupings of reports in various areas would be interesting to look at… especially to see if those groupings could be tied to a more ‘earthly’ event (war).

  2. joshua says:

    Now I’m a believer…..a UFO identical to this landed in Trafalger square at almost the same time. I saw the photo’s… I KNOW they are real.

  3. TJGeezer says:

    #3 – You saw the photos? That’s nothing. A friend of my barber’s cousin was actually there at the time.

  4. Mark says:

    The French in particular and Europeans in general have always taken this subject more seriously than Americans (insert joke here), also, complete disclosure was announced by the Brazilian Govt about 6 months ago. It didnt happen (Brazilian) for whatever reason. I will go out on a limb and say I believe that it has to do more with the religious implications than any other reason.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    That picture (and the sculpture in it) is terrific!

    I wonder if it was taken from 1902s “A Trip to the Moon” which, if I remember film class correctly, was the first sci fi movie.

  6. noname says:

    UFO is a term used by the non believers, they are really IFO, Inter-Planetary Flying Objects.

    I know I’ve seen them. One day, out in the woods, this Wraith fellow invited me to on board their ship to read this nice book, To Serve Man. But I was already late, so I said no. Cheez-Wiz, I am missed out on a inter galactic adventure.


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