Do Fairies Live At The Bottom Of Your Garden?

Maybe not anymore, but a recent discovery would suggest that they probably did. What appear to be the mummified remains of a fairy have been discovered in the Derbyshire countryside.

The 8 inch remains complete with wings, skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine. X-rays of the ‘fairy’ reveal an anatomically identical skeleton to that of a child. The bones however, are hollow like those of a bird making them particularly light. The puzzling presence of a navel even suggests that the beings reproduce the same as humans despite the absence of reproductive organs.

  1. brittany says:

    I LOVE FARIYS plus does any one live in Washington PS hey blake 🙂

  2. brittany says:

    hey can i chat with some one??? plz!!! 🙁

  3. peaches md says:

    is this real ???????????????

  4. beautifullyBroken_Brandy says:

    I believe it’s real. Why not? What does it hurt to believe, it’s never really been proven the dont exist. Theirs more proof of faries than god.Ever heard of the cottingley cousins? go look at the fifth photograph they took. It’s beautiful.

  5. GirlFromBelow says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, mate, but that is SUCH an old April Fool’s prank xP

  6. oreos01 says:

    i belive in fries because i saw one at the park on top of a tree

  7. chochu cchacha says:

    i do belive in them cuz i found a frie in the tolet when i was going to the restroom

    iam chacha i do belive because i fund one in the coco puff cerial jaja jkjkjjkjkjk

  8. fairy hater says:

    fairies are evil just like there cousin the sprite.end them now before they destroy us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Mira says:

    ONG they are real

  10. shir says:

    i know it’s true but, where did you find that?
    tell me it’s important

  11. Danigirl#54 says:

    you guys cant pull this one off. it’s got to be like a melted barbie or something like that!!!!!!!

  12. says:

    faries are real I saw 1 jump off my dads truck

  13. hey do u realy mean theres fairies in this world

  14. heaven wilson says:

    i love it. they are real

  15. happy111 says:

    so this picture looks real and i believe there are some things in this world that are unbelievable,but i’m not quit sure about this one. guess i will never know. it is cool to see this type of thing though

  16. Danigirl#54 says:

    that thing is so ugly it could be tinkerbells long lost cousin!!!! you never know these things cuold be EVILLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!

  17. madiline98 says:

    Danigirl is right i think some faries are evil and that one is very ugly! I have seen this picture everywher and i thought it was real but then i saw the date! LOL nice replica though!

  18. Danigirl#54 says:

    the stupid thing about this is that they say that faries are real but the thing is that was then this is NOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

  19. Faries in England Im going there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. ember248 says:

    ok, fairies are spirits, therefore they dont have bodies that we cant physically touch. this is obviously a hoax!

  21. i found a fairy says:

    everyone i am not a lier so believe me3 this is 100% true i was in the garden and i have seen a little person with wings now she is my friend and i am telling the truth now and its very weird she is wearing a blue dress and has blue hair so i called her bluebell
    i live in spain (but i speak english) and when i was on hoilday at england thats when i found bluebell

  22. Danigirl#54 says:

    my ears could get ripped off by a farie if im noit carefull (faries are NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  23. Danigirl#54 says:

    notice how NO boy/men are commenting in w\ us!!!!

  24. K!T-K@T says:

    idk if this is real or not because a lot of things made today on tv and pics are mostly green screen and stuff like tht but i swear at the bottom of my heart that i have talked to a faerie before through LETTERS and if u dont believe me just write a letter to any faerie (but i just put dear faerie) and then put it under your pillow, i know it sound stupid but thats how i contact them, and then wait a couple days and then keep checking under your pillow. Eventually the faerie will write back its soooo cool i SWEAR that this is true… just try it

  25. Dawnie65 says:

    Im sorry to the dis believers but the above mentioned faeries story is true, there is also a dvd on another story on faeries. Believe what you want to believe, its a free country but I know what I have seen, read & heard. This was not an april fools joke.

  26. kira~! says:

    i’m ten and belive in fairys and when i saw this i thought fairies are real and when i saw the comments it made me cry and by the way don’t say swear words on the internet it’s rude and kids are looking at this

  27. emmalie says:

    i 4 1 think whether this is real or not its cool and i think if we have fairys or other mystcal crecher it would be very intrsting to get to know but not put them under a microscop and study if they r real tahts y there hiding.

  28. Amy says:

    iv always belived in faries because i am one at night i shrink down to smaller size and fly strighgt into the garden through a key hole in the door; i fly all around the garden and meet all of the wildlife and when i get tired i land upon the flowers to have a rest ; i inherited my farie powers from my great great grandmother Elizabeth i was looking in a very old photo album and there i found a silver heart pendant which once belong to her i put it on and been wearing it ever since; thats where my fairy powers first developed. if you dont belive me email me i will be sure to talk to you about my experiences and if your lucky i may even send you a picture my email is yours sencirly amy-Elizabeth age 13 x

  29. vanessa772 says:

    i was on myspace and i saw this fariy and it was dead!One day i went uk and saw a real dead fariy!


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