1. Peter Rodwell says:

    I’ll buy one for my girlfriend. She owns a bar – this machine is certainly faster than the dumbass waitress she currently employs and it doesn’t spill the beer everywhere.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    The bot is well made.. it knows how to properly poor the beer into the mug and keeps the head from overflowing. Though it’s damn slow. To bad it doesn’t keep the mugs frosted. Wonder how many cans it can hold?

  3. Bud Wiser says:

    All Ale to the RoBoBud

  4. BubbaRay says:

    I already have one of those, it’s called a “wife” and costs way more than $800. She looks a whole lot better although she only works when I’m really nice.

  5. mark says:

    Yeah, well lets see it pour a Guinness, that takes talent. (and get the shamrock on top).

    Rube Goldberg lives.

  6. Pfkad says:

    Sorry, no sale. I only drink bottled beer.

  7. highqham says:

    Cool! but in my college days the six-pack would be half-finished by the time that machine finished pouring the first can!

  8. Improbus says:

    I want the R2D2 version that will throw me a beer like a light saber.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    #5, mark, for $800, it better darned well drive to the store and buy the Guinness (and maybe some Bass Ale for a black ‘n’ tan). 🙂

  10. Ed says:

    Does it need to be that noisy? I mean aren’t electric motors advanced enough that the thing could be less loud and faster… maybe I’m wrong.
    Ed’s Blog

  11. TVAddict says:

    Cool…Now I want to see it smash the can on it’s head.

  12. ECA says:

    1. the MUG aint frosted.
    2. I dont want HEAd on my beer.
    3. it COULD move abit faster, I hope.. In that time I could open a CASE of beer.

  13. Mark T. says:

    Wow, it opens a beer in only three minutes! Amazing technology!

    I wonder if it will clean up the inevitable beer spill as well.

    Truly, this is technocrap.

  14. Jonathan Fox says:

    Just give me the bloody can, robot, I’ll open it myself! I’m dying of thirst already.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    If it could give blowjobs and drink piss it would be perfect for superbowl.

  16. Cursor_ says:

    Ah yes. Addicts love to invent new and fascinating ways to use their drugs.



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