Yep, this happened yesterday in south London, U.K.

You can go to this page to see more pictures of the situation.

  1. Bryan Carney says:

    Oh God, If you really are there, can you please stop inciting your tribes with eschotologically inspired, action movie, events. We have enough religious freaks without your damn meddling.

  2. bobbo says:

    Just waiting for some schill to claim this is proof of “the next ice age.”

    I’m sitting down, – – – – – go ahead.

  3. pjakobs says:

    hail’s got very little to do with temperatures close to the ground. Actually, hail has more to do with the amount of energy in the atmosphere and it’s resulting lability. Hail happens when initially small droplets or grains of ice are carried upwards by strong updrafts, often several times, way beyond freezing level where the liquid water on their surface, well, freezes.
    At some point the ice particles are too heavy to be lifted further up and fall down. Giving the size that they’ve built up to, they probably won’t have the time to completely melt on their way down, thus you get hail even on a summer day.
    No need for an ice age, rather for global warming, as warming means more engergy, therefore more lability.


  4. Fred Flint says:

    Of course this is just weather after all and lots of places look a lot like this all winter long….

    ‘End Times!’ might be a bit of a stretch and it sure ain’t rapturous.

  5. docred says:

    I’m not sure why people would be running in panic over this one….where I live, we get the occasional hailstorm during the spring/summer season. In Saskatoon, SK, Canada, we are at 52* 10′ latitude, London is at 51* and change…we don’t call it ‘end times’ when a bit of hail rolls around.

  6. bob says:

    How did Bush do it?

  7. andy says:

    6 he used his freezer to make lots of ice then circled London in air force one and dropped the ice out the door.

  8. hhopper says:

    Hopper = Chicken Little

  9. Muddyboy says:

    i live 4 hrs south of #5 about 6 miles from the Montana border. We get this sort of thing every summer. Sometimes small like BB’s, sometimes much larger(golf ball, and even baseball size). Sometimes very heavy and so intense that it flattens crops and pounds them into the ground. We call those the Great White Combine(harvester for all the non rural folks). “End Times”, I don’t think so, unless one of the big ones whacks you on the head, that would likely be your personal end time.

  10. Jonathan Fox says:

    In London if a snowflake falls its a national disaster. In the North of England there can be feet of snow and it doesn’t get a mention on the London centric media. Sheffield and Hull have been under feet of water for days and it only got a slight mention in the news. If it was London we’d be hearing about it for weeks.

    Prince Charles turned up to visit the flood affected folks wearing leather shoes and a suit… errr doh!

    he looked like…. a proper Charley! compared to most of the emergency services who were wearing waders and dry suits.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    Another flash flood warning for DFW right now, annual average rainfall reached at DFW July 4, area lakes overflowing, a tornado or two, hail the size of softballs, Collin County (1 mile north) and Parker County (60 miles west) declared disaster areas, I’m waiting for the frogs to fall out of the sky and they’re whining about some hail? My ark is nearly complete — launch date: Saturday.


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