found by Mark McCullough

  1. Julia Napier says:

    Thank you for providing such choice content and making it a bit less scary to join the rest of humanity of the digital age.
    Please continue

  2. Les says:

    I’m not having a good time right now, and I am turning to youtube for some levity.

  3. John Paradox says:

    Roobie doobie doo!


  4. chewy says:

    All I hear is a buncha barking. Must be something with Vista.

  5. m says:

    Funny. I will listen to my dog more closely.

  6. Cinaedh says:

    No wonder dogs all think we’re crazy.

  7. Shadowbird says:

    If dogs really could talk, they’d be saying three things:

    1. “Feed me!”

    2. “Play with me!”

    3. “Walk with me!”

    4. “Gotta hump something!”

  8. Shadowbird says:

    Oops, make that four things.

  9. rylli3 says:

    dude this is so weird!!! the guy who posted the whole “gotta hump something” should be my new best friend!!! lol


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