Thanks Marina.

  1. Rudolf says:

    Yeah, and smoking is good for you too.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    Ah but can they go up to 11???

    Always wondered what the rolling stones looked like without all their makeup…

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Red meat IS good for you… Of course, if you order your steak anything over rare you are just wasting food.

  4. Joshua says:

    #3…OFTLO….at least we can agree about how to cook a steak. 🙂

  5. Cursor_ says:

    Wow and that’s how most 50’s and 60’s rockers actually look anyway!

    Elfman was right… as the years past the chances of you becoming a rockn roll dinosaur do increase.

    Time for the Stones to make their last album. The title Gathering Moss.

    Its time for them to stop rolling. Along with quite a few others out there.


  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Good one.

  7. morram says:

    Loved it!
    Now, where’s the one for pork?

  8. Tallon says:


    The pork one is NSFW!


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