In 2005, architect Nikola Basic created the musical Sea Organ on the shores of Zadar, Croatia. It is the world’s first musical pipe organ that is played by the sea. Simple and elegant steps, carved in white stone, were built on the quayside.

Underneath, there are 35 musically tuned tubes with whistle openings on the sidewalk. The movement of the sea pushes air through, and – depending on the size and velocity of the wave – musical chords are played. The waves create random harmonic sounds.

From The Presurfer

  1. JohnB says:

    Cool for about 30 seconds…

    Then the drone would drive me batty!!

  2. JPV says:

    Those crafty Croats.

  3. ECA says:

    Need more designs like this.

  4. Les says:

    Future vacation site.

  5. snuffmuffler says:

    Ya, wheres the mute button? This is totally cool and I would love to see and hear it in person but holly jeezz can you imagine what the people down the street think about it around 2a.m. not to mention the poor hump back tryin get get a little and some drunk jackass is drownin out his pitch.

  6. glenn says:

    Not really the first….
    ” The Wave Organ is a work of environmental art created by Peter Richards and George Gonzales in 1986. Peter is Artist-In-Residence at the Exploratorium, San Francisco’s hands-on science museum.”

  7. Thomas says:

    So *that* is where the InterWebitubes start…;->

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Does that means the RIAA is going to charge visitors a fee?

  9. Greg Allen says:

    Fantastic! I’m kind of surprised a similar one hasn’t been built in the US in the last 20 years.

  10. Les says:

    #9 He’d hafta get too many permits, environmental studies, etc….

  11. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ted Stevens would be proud!

  12. twfromwi says:

    John Cage would have loved it.

  13. Pickle Monster says:

    Water chimes?

  14. Glenn E says:

    This makes about as much sense as those orange banners they draped all over NY’s central park. Can the artist really compete with nature? Frankly I’d rather hear the tranquil sounds of the sea against the shore. Than the din this “organ” must make. Bet they’ll eventually cement the tubes shut, to bring the tourists back.


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