Click the picture to buy a can for only € 3.95!

Someone was actually brave enough to buy, cook, and eat this travesty. Here’s a picture of what it really looks like:

  1. Lou Bix says:

    Thats sad.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    I wonder what exotic gas they use to keep veggies fresh in a can indefinitely? I don’t think I’d stand too close or inhale too deeply when popping the top.

  3. m!mic says:

    Dis can haz cheezburger?

  4. olmcbeezy says:

    Normally, in this whole “blog world”, aren’t you supposed to link to where you ACTUALLY found the item?
    Give credit where credit is due Dvorak, damn.

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Yet another in a long line of potentially deadly, manufactured, processed, unhealthy foods being foisted upon the population by big corporate agriculture.

  6. morram says:

    what a great idea

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Cheeseburger in der Dose.

  8. Jennifer says:

    It’s camp food, what do you expect, exactly?

  9. SN says:

    5. “Normally, in this whole “blog world”, aren’t you supposed to link to where you ACTUALLY found the item?”

    Nope. I linked to the best source, the original source. The original source is the ONLY place where you can “actually” find the item and buy it!

  10. K B says:

    Give credit where credit is due Dvorak, damn.

    Uh.. why? when you don’t.

    (Also, please use tinyurl, damn.)

  11. pjcamp says:

    Sorry, the site doesn’t ship to the US.

    But Steve, at The Sneeze Blog ( is securing a can for the next episode of “Steve, Don’t Eat It!” You can get all your voyeuristic thrills there.

  12. Gristle Eater says:

    I want the Gerichte mit Fleisch. YaH!

  13. OmarTheAlien says:

    Looks like the ultimate evolution of “C” rations. But they wern’t all that bad.

  14. thomas says:

    is this the next spam?

  15. Brandon Bachman says:

    Dis can haz cheezburger?

    You don’t know how much that quote MADE MY DAY!

    Furthermore, lol.

  16. Deehexi says:

    Amazing what my folks come up with… I would order one just for shits (literally speaking?) and giggles, but I don’t see why I should pay almost 10 Euros (incl posatge fees) which is app 16 bucks… for a darn hamburger? Oh hell no… Maybe I will find somebody stupid enough to do that though. I will make sure I get a pic of it and send it to Dvorak then…wish me luck…there are some stupid men around where I live…no offense

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #2 Cinaedh I wonder what exotic gas they use to keep veggies fresh in a can indefinitely?

    Like other canned foods I would guess it would be vacuum sealed.

    This is suitable for hikers et al, not meant for home use…well…er…thinking about all the processed food crap found in any GOUSA supermarket I better rethink that. 😆



  18. marthy says:

    I want one! I bet they keep forever…

  19. TIHZ_HO says:

    OMG! Oh the humanity!

    I have to evoke the classic “I wouldn’t **** that with your ****!”

    I…am…damaged! And this is coming from someone who has seen real Chinese food too…like dogs and rats cooked.

    YUK! 🙁



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