CNN — Ron Paul’s loyal supporters helped him set campaign fundraising records and capture more delegates during his presidential run than some of his high-profile Republican rivals.

They even managed to briefly shut down Nevada’s GOP convention earlier this month over a rules change controversy. Now they’ve taken his latest book to the top of the bestseller list.

“The Revolution: A Manifesto”, released earlier this month, is currently No. 1 on the Web site’s list of top sellers, besting even Oprah’s latest Book Club selection.

“Despite a media blackout, this septuagenarian physician-turned-congressman sparked a movement that has attracted a legion of young, dedicated, enthusiastic supporters . . . a phenomenon that has amazed veteran political observers and made more than one political rival envious,” boasts the book’s product description, adding: “Candidates across America are already running as ‘Ron Paul Republicans.’”

No matter what you think about this guy, throughout his political career he has stuck to his principles, and thats more than you can say about the current lot of candidates. I think people, Americans in particular, are afraid of change, but they better get used to it.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Ron Paul just says things to get support.

    He would have had no intention of doing half of it. And the other half would never had made it through congress or the courts.

    He would have been a lame-duck as he had NO support besides pot-enthused twentysomethings.


  2. Shin says:

    I think we might be better off if the American electoral process was like American Idol.

    At least for the first few months we could use a Simon saying “shut up and go home you talentless moron….”


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