Global Voices Online » Iran: Death Penalty for Blogging? — Cripes, this material just keeps on coming.

On Wednesday, Iranian members of parliament voted to discuss a draft bill that seeks to “toughen punishment for disturbing mental security in society.” The text of the bill would add, “establishing websites and weblogs promoting corruption, prostitution and apostasy,” to the list of crimes punishable by death.

In recent years, some Iranian bloggers have been sent to jail and many have had their sites filtered. If the Iranian parliament approves this draft bill, bloggers fear they could be legally executed as criminals. No one has defined what it means to “disturb mental security in society”.

Such discussion concerning blogs has not been unique to Iran. It shows that many authorities do not only wish to filter blogs, but also to eliminate bloggers!

  1. Old Geezer says:

    This is one country were they put you to death for any reason, your beard isn’t long enough, your turban is crooked, you forgot to say your prayers, or you let a dog sit on your hat.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    Has John let his hair grow?

  3. Improbus says:

    Our neocons would cream their pants if they had the power of Iran’s mullahs. As far as I am concerned the only difference between a neocon and a mullah is the beard.

  4. the answer says:

    so what exactly are we saving them from? You know we could just leave them alone, build a wall around them, and watch then destroy each other

  5. Mac Guy says:

    And yet, this kind of ideology seems to be protected (almost promoted) in the UK…

    Wait, scratch the “almost.”

  6. Curious Bob says:

    At least it’s peace loving.

  7. lou says:

    Annoying people.

  8. deowll says:

    No one has defined what it means to “disturb mental security in society”.

    Of course they have. You disagree with them you die.

  9. MikeN says:

    The FEC is going after bloggers here. So far no death penalty or jail time.

  10. GregAllen says:

    The crazy religious radicals aren’t only in Iran.

    The Republicans think abortion is murder.
    They also think murder deserves the death penalty.

    That means they want to execute something like 40 million women who they believe are guilty of murder.

    The conservatives won’t readily admit this but I’ve pressed a couple who finally confessed that this is what they really believe.


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