SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The state that prides itself on being a national leader in things like energy policy or gay marriage is the last of its kind when it comes to mixing race in prison cells.

The California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation has just launched a new policy to integrate inmates in housing units, wherever possible, NBC11’s Mike Luery reported.

Previously prisons used race as the primary factor in determining where inmates sleep, but not anymore, Luery reported.

California was the only state in the nation that had an unwritten policy for the automatic segregation of prisoners in housing units.

The department agreed to begin integrating inmates’ cells following the settlement of a lawsuit filed by a prisoner.

The prisoner claimed that because the prisons are located in the United States, where segregation is not legal, the prisons should be allowed to use the policy.

For generations in California, it has been the case that if someone was sent to prison, they were automatically assigned a bunk based on the color of their skin.

The new policy removes that.

How retro. Now that we’ve got integration out of the way, what’s next? Co-ed living arrangements perhaps?

  1. bobbo says:

    “integrate inmates in housing units, wherever possible”===gee, with prison gangs self segregated/selecting based on race, I wonder how close to “Not Possible At All” this Mustard oriented lack of reality but well intentioned program will be?

    Prison is where you lose your rights–like being able to associate with all the different races.

    Maybe its just a plan to reduce the prison population? Put a blood in with 3 crips and next morning you’ve got one less prisoner to deal with.

    Could be a subtle plan?

  2. David says:

    bobbo is right. People of different races could never learn to get along like in the rest of the country. It’s just not happening.

  3. lou says:

    I think you might be better off getting on those fires.

  4. Ah_Yea says:


    “One man against 1000 women”

    Normally, I’d say this is a good thing, except for that “time of month”…

  5. Likes2LOL says:

    Man, I miss the days when the prison gals wore short dresses with plunging necklines — all they wear now are those frumpy pantsuits. 🙁

    Seriously, there was a long piece on prison segregation at San Quentin on NPR today:

    360 men confined in a gym on bunk beds 18″ apart? I sure hope I never get wrongfully convicted like any of the 200+ inmates freed by the Innocence Project.

  6. bobbo says:

    #5–LOL==always shocking to be reminded of the numbers.

    Makes me think American Policy regarding crime is no better than our policies regarding energy, immigration, jobs, healthcare or anything else.

    We are perfectly screwed by ourselves.

  7. cosmic troll says:

    #5-#6 Every business has a few mistakes. 200 concidering how many we lock up is not a “shocking” number. And just to get your dander up I would be willing to bet of that of the two hundred 199 had other crimes they did not get caught for.

  8. MikeN says:

    #7, many of those 200 are guilty of the same crime for which they were ‘wrongfully convicted.’ That phrase doesn’t mean innocent, and in many cases they are off on a ‘technicality’

  9. Paddy-O says:

    Hey, Helzerman do you have ANY clue as to why they are segregated? This will be fun to watch as the murder rate skyrockets in the prisons…

  10. Ron Larson says:

    Actually they should segregate, but totally. Prisoners should never be allowed to be in the same room with another.

    I watched some episodes of “Lock Up” on MSNBC, a documentary series about modern US prisons. It struck me that a vast amount of time, energy, and money was spent babysitting prisoners and dealing with inmate-vs-inmate violence and collusion.

    If it were me, I’d lock each one into a tiny cell for 22 hours a day. Let them out into small segregated yards, one at a time, 2 hours a day.

    There should be no reason for inmate to talk to each other or see each other. All the crap that goes on in prison, the drugs, gangs, tattoos, violence, is simply criminal inmates exploiting other inmates. Put an end to it.

    And if an inmate decides to attack guards, let the guards beat the living shit of out them. Do it enough times and perhaps they will learn. If not, then they continue to get the shit beat out of them. I have zero sympathy for these guys. Shut up and do your time, all of it. Either do it easy way, or the hard way.

    Yea, time will be hard and lonely. Boo hoo. Should have thought of that before embarking on a career in crime.

  11. MotaMan says:


    I like this idea, I wonder if it’s possible to house all of our prisoners this way…

    that would surely stop most if not all the bullshit going on in the jails.

  12. Helzerman says:

    @Paddy-O You sound a lot like my racist Grandma from West Virginia. She used to ask the same question about schools (after she had a little sauce in her and was feeling particularly loose lipped)…. Grannie, is that you?!

  13. Jenny-O says:

    Interesting question in that somewhat blatant picture – What happens to women without men? We do just fine thank you very much. Its things like this that make this site difficult for women to visit or even participate in. There are plenty of non-ribald pictures that Mr. Helzerman could have used. I guess he feels a need to appeal to all his masculine peers here. What are you men afraid of, a little female competition? We love to banter and debate too.

    Mr Dvorak you come off as a fair man. Don’t you think women deserve better than what you are allowing this site to degenerate into, a male only club, that has no respect for women. We visit here too.

  14. cranky pants says:

    And think of all the fuel they will be wasting “bussing” them from one side of the prison to the other.

    What a loving grandson you are hitlerman.

  15. #14 – Jenny-O

    Rock on, dudette! This seamy locker room could use a little invigoration.

  16. Chris Mac says:

    #14 – Jenny-O

    I’m sure Catherine Helzerman (Chief Administrator) probably doesn’t overly enjoy being addressed as “Mr.”

    Nice try though

  17. Jenny-O says:

    NO.17 Chris Mac.

    I stand corrected. A google search did confirm your statement.

    I’m sure Catherine Helzerman does not want to be called Mister.

    I still find pictures like that offensive even if a woman posted them. I never would have expected that. I guess she has to appeal to the prurient interest of all the males here in order to get some readership. A shame.

  18. Chris Mac says:

    Ultimately.. It was her choice.

    What would you prefer? Maybe something with hello kitty in it?

  19. Jenny-O says:

    Hello Kitty? That’s the answer I get from all you fellas no matter where I go. You forgot to mention Barbie. How about a picture of …..YOU!

  20. bobbo says:

    #20–Jenny==I agree with everything you have said, still, at least for myself, I very much enjoy the “tilt” of many of the posts here. I’m reminded of the “feminization” of American culture at work, in schools, in government. But I affirm what you say is true.

    A few prison shows on tv shows that when put in groups men form territorial gangs based on race whereas women form families.

    The sexes are mostly the same, but with some basic differences. Blame Darwin.

    There are a few ladies about, as they typically don’t get into long harangues with anyone, they are harder to spot.

    Like politics==just hold your nose and do your duty.

  21. Jenny-O says:


    Thanks for your kind words. So far you seem to be the most rational one here. Mr. deowll in “Fanboy” thinks I should consider stripping as a profession. Others tend to think all we “girls” want to look at is Hello Kitty pictures, oh I hate that. Yes you are right men and women are the same, yet different. I believe the differences are actually equalized as in opposing sides of the same coin. Kind of like ying and yang. What I mean is that one difference compiments the other. Without one the other is useless. I’m not so sure about Darwin I think he was a chauvinist.

  22. bobbo says:

    #22–Jenny==I try to be rational, fact based, but that collides with a deep seated desire to be a contrarian. To that end, if you check the threads, or continue to post, I’m sure you’ll find many subjects upon which I am a jerk.

    Lets start now. What specifically makes you think Darwin was a chauvinist? He stayed married to a religious looney who didn’t believe in his life’s work. He loved her, she loved god. His chauvinism looks far the better?

  23. Jenny-O says:


    I did some quick reseach on Google about Darwin while juggling my work assignment here, on Google. I’m not to sure how acurate that is sometimes. I did see quite a few references to Darwin being a racist and a chauvinist. A man can love a women and still be considered a chauvinist. As an example my father was very much the “man” in the family. He thought all women had their place. He did really love my mother though. I believe you may have confused chauvinism with dislike of women, two differnet things. I’ll be up for awhile, maybe I’ll catch you in some other postings.

  24. bobbo says:

    #23–Jenny===don’t be so lazy. Post the links you found that support your notions. Blogs don’t need to be completely frivolous, you can educate yourself and this thread with your particular slant on the issues. You’ve done the work, show your expertise.

  25. Chris Mac says:


    I hold women in very high regard. And as for the photo challenge, I have enough stalkers as it is.
    Although, to be coy, if you search my nick on facebook you will find me.

    Maybe we should all get a room.



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