So I’m looking at the “organic” Safeway peanut butter and was stunned to read the label. It’s yet another crappy peanut butter that has no peanut oil (removed, sold at a premium and replaced with a cheaper oil) and has added sugar. It’s ridiculous. At our Deli in Port Angeles we sell a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for kids and only use real peanut butter from Adams. This “O” stuff can’t be as good as 100-percent peanuts. But, hey, it’s Organic!

  1. JimD says:

    Well, S**T is “organic” and with “Flavorings” from the Corporate Chemistry Giants can be made to taste like anything !!! So, be careful what you put in your mouth !!!

  2. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    ECA “REAL Mayo, isnt JUST MAYO.. there is about 20% oil in it..”

    Ahh… 20%? I don’t think so mate. Mayonnaise is pretty much made by beating together some egg whites then slowly adding it drops of oil in (usually a mix of vegetable and olive oils) until you have mayo…. generally you mix about two or three cups of oil to one egg white which means mayo is pretty much just oil with a bit of egg white (and seasoning) added….

  3. bobbo says:

    #32–peanut==so thats what I’m doing wrong!!! All my recipes use one egg yolk to a cup of oil. Some caution that any egg white will cause the emulsion not to form but most, not all, of the egg white can be added back in at the end of the process.

    I have almost stopped making my own mayo as I can only get about half a cup of oil per egg yolk. It tastes good, but gets expensive that way.

    I’m thinking my blender is too fast and maybe using a manual whisk is the way to go.

    But yea–mayo is mostly oil.

  4. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Doh! You are entirely correct…. you separate the white and use the yolk…. I’ve also seen recipes for just using a whole egg. I can never quite my mayonnaise to task right so I’ve just given up… I’ve never got even close with a hand whisk. I think to do it with a hand whisk you have to be a proper old person that grew up working, not a corn-syrup fed TV junkie like myself….

    On another note, its worth mentioning that eating healthy isn’t the only reason for buying organic, its also about trying to eat food that has been grown in a sustainable way … which why it is particularly outrageous when people buy ‘organic’ food that is flown in from the other side of the world even when the same thing is available locally ….

  5. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    or when they bloody wrap organic food in plastic! That really bugs me….

  6. qsabe says:

    PTB is alive and well. (P.T.Barnum’s a sucker is born every minute statement.)

    Buy organic, it only comes with natural bugs.
    Use RAW for your images, Adobe knows more about how your camera’s sensor stores data than the guys who created it.
    Bottled water cost more than pop at the fair.
    Imported natural water from France, where they drink wine because the polluted water table water makes everyone sick is the right way to impress your fancy guest.

    A bit of PTB will sell a lot of FM based ideas.

    FM (Freaking Magic)

  7. GigG says:

    Calories are good, Carbs are good, Sugar is good and so is just about anything else you can stuff down your throat to get to 12,000 caleries a day.

  8. #3 – bobbo,

    I’m with you. I buy my almond butter from a store that grinds organic raw almonds into almond butter. The ingredient list is one item: organic raw almonds.

  9. #4 – bill,

    Organic or chemical… the chemicals are the same…

    Not really. The chemical fertilizers may not smell as bad as shit, but they are worse. And, they take a lot of petroleum in the processing, so are worse for greenhouse reasons as well.

    There are a lot of variations on organic fertilizer, one is simple shit. Another is to take human waste, treat it in sewage treatment plants, where bacteria eat the human shit. Then, take the dead and decaying bacteria and use that as fertilizer. This is a huge win all around, including the facts that the fertilizer lasts longer and less is required.

  10. ECA says:

    I looked on the shelf, and THEY ALL have the same ingredients..
    from BEST to Grocery generic.


    * 4 egg yolks
    * 1 3/4 cups vegetable oil
    * 4 tablespoons white wine vinegar
    * 1 teaspoon salt
    * 1 teaspoon mustard

    * 2 egg yolks
    * 3/4 teaspoon salt
    * 1/2 teaspoon powdered mustard
    * 1/8 teaspoon sugar
    * Pinch cayenne pepper
    * 4 to 5 teaspoons lemon juice or white vinegar
    * 1-1/2 cups olive or other salad oil
    * 4 teaspoons hot water
    2 egg yolks*
    2 tablespoons mustard
    Dash salt and pepper
    Squirt of lemon juice
    1 to 1 1/2 cups oil

    well, I dont see any EGG WHITES..

  11. gogglesnteeth says:

    Did we all forget 8th grade chemistry class?

    I seem to recall that the word “organic” ment carbon based. In other words, if it was once alive (on planet earth,) it is made up of carbon molocules, and there for is…. say it with me… ORGANIC!

    Guess what, my 100% lamb skin seat cover may be organic, but I don’t want to eat it!!!

    I hate that use of the word “organic” as a marketing ploy for the stupid!!

    I’ll stick to my red meat and potatoes!

  12. ShortChef says:

    BlackViper didn’t mention anything about egg whites peanut butter and jam did.Viper was right about mayo that you make at home with a whisk a bowl and some muscle. It is roughly 60-70 percent oil with some form of acid, egg YOLKS, and seasoning. He nailed it and I should know I’m a chef who makes mayo quite often.

  13. bobbo says:

    #39–Scott==seems like organic is in our near future as city waste will increasingly be used to grow our food:

  14. Mark T. says:

    Um, what cane sugar isn’t organic? And palm oil is organic, too. The whole “organic” marketing ploy is a scam. All food is organic.

    Salt is the only inorganic ingredient in this peanut butter. It is not a food but rather a chemical compound added for flavor and as a preservative. Egad!

    However, if they called it “sodium chloride” then the hippies would freak out and not eat it.

  15. Gregg says:

    I buy peanut butter at Shoppers.

    Ingredients: Peanuts.

    That’s it.

  16. R.O.P. says:

    “Added nutrients” are a good thing? Be serious, the only reason they are added is because they were leached out to begin with due to the processing of the food product. I will take the first mentioned peanut butter over Jif any day of the week (I noticed you didn’t address the preservatives in a cohesive fashion). If you want to believe the propaganda of the food corporations feel free to pickle your body.


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